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Mark's POV

"Mark keep your back straight and heels down or he'll definitely knock you from his back!"

We got one of our stables teachers, Kim Seokjin or Jin how he prefered, to keep us an obstacle class so we could know what are we doing wrong.

But if we asked him, probably everything would be wrong in every way.

"Leg, leg, LEG!" Jin yelled.

And Dante stopped right before the obstacle.

"Mark you didn't concentrate on my instructions, THAT is an special obstacle. You have to check your horse and give leg, and if that doesn't work then use crop!"

He helped me back up from Dante's neck.

"Do it again, this time try to get over the obstacle WITH your horse." Jin sassed.

I started galloping around the ring to get myself prepared and to get the needed speed.

This was much harder than I thought, but we had to practice incase the competition would include special obstacles.

"Check Dante, leg, one two three crop!"

I felt how I was flying through the air.

But with Dante this time.

We got over the fucking obstacle.

We landed and after few gallop steps I slowed down and walked closer to the teacher.

"Good job Mark, it was a bit messy I have to admit that, but you got over the obstacle and that was the number one priority today."

Jin walked a bit away from us.

"Youngjae your turn, same thing, possibly a cleaner jump than Mark's!" He yelled and turned back to me.

"You should get Dante used to different special obstacles from the ground, we could possibly someday use some time to actually work on it."

"Yeah sure, whatever helps us to get better."

"Good, that's the spirit." Jin turned his head back to Youngjae to see his jumps.

Like always, his jumps were flawless.

"Good job Youngjae, now let's do a course. Approach the oxer from left and after that go to the vertical, there's about three gallops in the middle and then do a full circle and go the vertical from another way around and then last obstacle is the special obstacle, got it?"

We both nodded at Jin's question.

I went to do the course first. It's easy as an overall course but on the first vertical I have to change the right gallop to manage to continue go to other direction.

I've never even practiced it with Dante.

As we approached the oxer, it's like I got in a somekind of bubble and the only thing I heard, was my own breathing.

I didn't hear the instructions that Jin was yelling me.

I didn't hear the background noises.

I was just going and going.

If I don't manage to change the gallop, we're not gonna get over the next obstacles.

Leg leg leg lEG LEG!

The gallop didn't change but as we were still going to the other direction, Dante bucked and I smoothly flew over the second vertical.

"Cake!" I heard Yugyeom and Bambam yell from the other side of the ring.

Horse shit [markson AU]Where stories live. Discover now