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Mark's POV

Saturday morning.

I thought my saturday would be great and consisting of sleeping late and a lot of relaxing.

But no

My saturday morning started too early for my taste because my mom decided to wake me up by pulling my blanket away and screaming me to get up.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom. But sometimes she's makes me want to jump out of the window.

We weren't supposed to be where ever we're going until 6pm, so I had hours of time to do whatever I wanted to do.

But most of my day I was laying on my bed and planning the filming with Yugyeom and Bambam. And we came to a conclusion that we're gonna film most of the stuff on sunday.

Since it was mostly my job to do the video, I wanted to use some older material of Bambam and Yugyeom too. I had a lot of older material already on my computer so I didn't have to do any extra work by sending and transferring stuff from different places.


After hours of doing stuff I would much rather do than going to eat dinner with some random person, my mom dragged me out of the house to the car.

When we sat in the car, I gave my mom the silent treatment while she tried to talk to me.

"Mark Yi-En Tuan, don't give me that bullcrap of a silent treatmen. I know you don't want to go but just try to behave somewhat well." My mom said and started the car's engine.

"Fine, but if this becomes a everyweek thing, then I won't hesitate to buy a lock on my door."

"You're a great son Mark, you know that right?" My mom said as she drove down the street.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say."

The ride was quiet, for the most part.

But my mom decided to ruin the perfect silence with her music and not so great singing.

But after a while we arrived to our destination and I had to look like I was happy to be there. Even though I wasn't and I would rather to be at home and watch stand up comedy but yeah sure whatever.

Before we could even reach the door, a woman, probably the same age as my mom, flew the door open.

"Ohh so great to see you, come in!" The woman enthusiastically said and motioned us to get in.

"The dinner is already on the table so we can start eating right away." The woman leaded us to the dining room.

At that moment when I stepped into the big dining room, I realised my night was going to be a lot shittier than it was already going to be.


"Uhhh mom, can I have a word with you quickly." I pulled my mom's sleeve a bit and looked at her.

"Oh yeah of course Mark, you guys can start eating already, we're gonna join you soon." My mom said and left the dining room with me.

"Okay what do you want to talk about Mark?" My mom asked.

"Mom, I hope you haven't told anything about you owning a riding school or anything in that matter." I looked at her with hopeful eyes.

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