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Mark's POV

"But Maaaaaark! You could've called me and ask help!" Youngjae pouted.

He looked like a puppy whose chewing toy was taken away when he pouted.

"Yes I know, but I didn't want to bother you while you were having fun." I threw the books I didn't need to my locker and closed the door.

"Okay yeah whatever, but you could've asked literally anyone, and you decided to ask the person you literally hate the most!" Youngjae skipped next to me while we were walking away from my locker.

"I mean like I gues this is somekind of improvement but still!" Youngjae kept whisper yelling me.

"Yes I know it wasn't my smartest idea, but it really wasn't that bad." I slightly froze at my words.

Not that bad?

It was hella bad.

"Wait what? Did Mark Tuan just say that having a almost three hours long skype call to get help for math homework wasn't that bad? Those are literally the things you hate the most, who are you and what did you do to the real Mark?"

Yoyngjae slightly raised hs voice so I could hear him while he was walking behind me.

"Nope, you heard wrong, it was actually horrible, I would've much rather carry all hay bales by myself with a t-shirt on than have a long skype call about math with Jackson." I started speeding away.

"No Mark you're a liar, I heard what you said!"

I turned around to face Youngjae.

"Do you have any evidence?" I slightly crouched so my and Youngjae's faces were on the same level.

"Well no, but I-."

"Then you can't prove my words in any way, so I didn't say it." I straightened my back and smiled.

"Bye Jae, see ya after school!" I turned around and walked to my next period.

"Hey Tuan."

Jackson ran from behind me to next to me.

"What do you want." I asked.

"Wow I thought we were cool with eachother." Jackson said slightly offended.

"Asking help from you doesn't mean we're cool with eachother, besides I asked for your help because everyone else was busy."

"Wow harsh."

"I'm just giving you the reality of the situation, now, did you have something to say or are we gonna just continue our day?" I crossed my arms.

"Wanna hangout today at lunch?"


Jackson's hopeful face turned into a pout.

"But I guess you can come to sit with me and Youngjae if you really want to hang with me, or whatever, do as you please." I patted Jackson's shoulder.

Please don't come sit with us.

I thought while walking into the classroom.


"So like have you decided your and A's color?" I asked Youngjae as we sat in the cafeteria.

"Oh you remembered! Yeah I've been actually thinking either light green or yellow, which one do you prefer?"

"Yellow." Jackson said and slumped to our table.

We froze

He didn't hear anything, did he?

"What are you guys even talking about?"


"Youngjae's art project, he wants to have a color theme for it can't decide what."

Nice save.

I mentally highfived myself.

"So you literally came here, don't you have any other company besides us?" I sassed.

"Yeah I have, but they're coming here too." Jackson sat to our table and started eating.

"I remember only letting you to come here, but apparentally my opinion doesn't matter."

"Yeah it really doesn't." Jackson flashed a smile.

"Okay wow, well I didn't even want to sit here so, bye Felicia." I grabbed my stuff and left the table.

"Why is he being such a fucking drama queen?"

"You don't really seem to get it that everything you've ever done has affected Mark quite a lot so you shouldn't expect him to be okay with you right after everything." Youngjae said with a slightly visible smile filled with pity.

"But I just don't get what I've done, even you apparentally know better than me so would you mind to tell me?"

Youngjae sighed at Jackson's stupidity.

"No Jackson I can't, you got to take responsibility of your actions, we're not here to fix your shit for you. Now if you don't mind I want to eat in peace so be quiet or leave."

Apparentally Jackson didn't also want to be there so he left too.

"I am seriously getting pissed with him, how in the ever loving fuck does he even think we're gonna be friends." I muttered while walking around the school.


"Go away Wang I don't want you near to me." I walked faster to get Jackson off my back.

"Why are you being a dramaqueen? It's not like I actually did something bad."

I turned around to face Jackson.

"Yes okay that might've not be the most horrible thing in the world and I'm a sensitive dramaqueen but you wanted to start everything from a clean table but you're not really doing anything about it."

"Mark I'm sorry and I'm really trying my best, it's just so hard when you can't even remember what you have done and at the same time try not to do the same mistakes again."

I crossed my arms.

Is he really fucking serious.

"Let's for real start from a clean table, let's hangout someday, talk things through and actually try to do something right, but like, only if you want to?"

"No, go away Jackson."

I started to walk away from the situation.

"Oh come on Mark, you gave Jaebum a chance and saw that he's an okay person, why don't you give me one?"

I was getting so tired of Jackson's whining.

"Okay fine if you shut up I'll give you one more chance, not more or less."

"Yes, so we're gonna hangout someday?"

"Yeah yeah whatever tell me when you wanna get that over with." I turned around and left.

"Remember we have to submit our project today!"

I didn't bother to yell an answer to Jackson, so I just kinda waved at him without even looking at him.

Ofcourse I remember the stupid project

That's why we are in this situation right now.

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