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Mark's POV

We had fallen asleep on the cliff. For our luck we had warm clothes and blankets with us and it was still warm outside, so we didn't die because of hypothermia or anything like that.

The problem is that we woke up around 9am and I had to be up at 6am.

"Well well, where have you been the whole night?" Youngjae creeped around the corner to me while I was speeding my way to the stable.

"Like I said yesterday, I wasn't feeling good so I slept a little longer to get my sickness away."

"Nice try Mark, I went to your house this morning and you weren't there. So please be honest with me, I'm not going to be mad at you." Youngjae crossed his arms on his chest, while waiting for an answer.

Youngjae is literally the best person in the world and I've ditched him so many times for the past few weeks for what? For person I hate.

Well atleast dislike.

Atleast in someway.

But Youngjae still deserves to hear the truth avout my whereabouts.

"I was with Jackson..." I held my head down in shame for doing this, again, to my bestfriend.

"Mark I have to admit, I am little bit mad at you for ditching me for a person who you have always hated, but I am happy that you were honest with me." Youngjae shaked his head.

"I'm so sorry Youngjae, I promise I won't do this to you again, you don't deserve the things I've done to you."

Youngjae stepped closer to me, still having the look of dissapointment in his eyes, but he pushed it away promising that everything is okay and I've been forgiven while hugging me.

"You really enjoy his company, don't you?" Youngjae asked as we seperated.

"Nothing more as a friend."

"Yeah say what you say but I don't actually believe you." Youngjae patted my shoulder and walked away.

The ammount of quilt that I feel right now is unexplainable, because I feel none. I really enjoyed the time I had with Jackson. Ofcourse I felt bad for lying to Youngjae, but I don't regret anything.


"You've been spacing out a lot today, are you okay?" Yugyeom sat next to me on the fence next to the horses pasture.

"Yes, no, I don't know?" I sighed as I put my head in my hands.

"I've been a horrible friend to Jae and meanwhile being really weirdly nice to the one and only Jackson Wang."

"Wow, didn't expect you to say something like that about a person I've only heard bad things about." Yugyeom had a slightly confused look on his face.

"Well me neither, it first started because Youngjae and Jackson's friend Jaebum started to get a little too friendly with eachother, so we thought that we should try to get along with eachother or atleast act like it, but the situation escalated a bit." I sighed.

"Mark it's okay that you get new friends but remember that even though Youngjae still deals with your shit, be honest to Jae. He would much rather hear what you are actually doing than hear lies from you and later know the real thing." Yugyeom said and patted my shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, get your fetus ass out of here and go do your work." I laughed and pushed Yugyeom slightly.

"Yeah yeah gramps".

[AN: wow a chapter after I told everyone that I'm gonna make slow updates ??? More likely than you think so. But I've been making this chapter for months so I thought to post this and ask ya'll if you'd be interested on me publishing one of my other stories? It could mean more frequent posting(not really but kinda lol) lmao.]

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