Chapter One - Some people.

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Chapter One - Some people

{ Christina Frank }

'Hey honey when you're done unpacking could you and Drake just drop by the supermarket buy some food for me to cook?' Mum told me.

'Yea sure thing mum.' I took the last item from the box and pass to Julia, my sister to put it somewhere. 'Drake! are you done?!' I shouted out.

'Yea Chris! Im done. Coming!' My brother shouted back. While waiting for him I run both my hands through the surrounding just to find my cane. Yes my cane. And yes I am blind. I've been blind ever since I was born, it was kinda hard for me at first be as time passes by and with the support of my family members, I kinda find it nothing to worry about.

'Mum have you seen my cane?' I asked.

'Hold on.' She said.

'I found it!' I heard Dad shouted out. Hearing footsteps coming closer to me, I felt my dad's hand on mine handing my cane to me.

'Thanks dad.'

'No worries cupcake.' He kisses the top of my head.

'Chris let's get going.' I heard my brother said behind me.

'Now you take care of her. I dont want anything to happen to her.' Dad and mum said to Drake.

'I will mum and dad. If anyone try's to lay a finger on her I will kill the living daylight out of them.' Drake joked. I felt his hand on my arm, guiding me out of our new house. We just moved here due to dad's new promotion on the company, we are happy for him but as for me, getting used to the new environment is the hard part for me. Moving to a new town, with people looking at you like you're a freak just because you're blind is the challenging part for me.

'Bye mum, bye dad!' I said.

'Hey dont forget to buy my pop tarts!' Julia shouted.

'Yay! Pop tarts!' I heard Anna my little sister shouted.

'Ya ya sure.' Drake comment.

Using my cane to guide my way not wanting to run into someone or something. Drake safely got me to his car. He helped me in and closes the door. I felt for the seatbelt, and buckle myself in. I heard the door on the my right open and closes. I believe that that's Drake getting in.

'You ready?' he asked.

'Eyup. Let's get going.' I said. Looking straight ahead, even though I cant see anything I try to imagine how everything looks like.

'Want to listen to some songs?' Drake asked.

'Yea sure. Just nothing got to do with hard metal or metal.' I told him. I heard him chuckling.

Once the music is on, I listen to the song that is being played.

> A tornado flew around my room,

Before you came in, excuse the mess it made

It usually doesnt rain

In sudden California much like Arizona

My eyes dont shed tears <

'What song is it? It's nice.' I asked my brother.

'I think its Thinking about you by Frank Ocean. Yea it is. Daniel's girlfriend recommended to me.' He said. Daniel is Drake's best friend since they were in high school. They clicked just like that once they first met each other till now, they are like superglue.

> When I think bout you (no no no no)

I've been thinking bout you (no no no)

I've been thinking bout you, do you think about me still?

Do you, do you? <

'Okay we're here.' I heard Drake hit the brakes and cut off the engine. I unbuckle myself and open the door while grabbing my cane with me.

I heard Drake footsteps near me, I got the use to him being close to me just to keep me safe from everything that could get me in danger. Well some protective brother he is.

'You ready to start shopping for food?' he teased.

'Ready as I'll ever be.' I said. I feel him go all stiff next to me, he does that all the time when people gives those looks on their face when they see me, his sister is blind. I squeezed my grip on his hand to tell him "just ignore it", which he squeezed back.

~ One hour later ~

We are done shopping for food, I waited at the side of the walkway for my brother, he went to get the car, we didnt expect that we would shop for a lot food.

I could smell fresh flowers coming from my right, I took my chances to walk towards it. Using my cane and sense of smell and hearing, I smoothly let them guide me to the flower shop. Everything was going fine up until someone bumped into me.

'Watch where you're going! Are you blind or something?!' I heard the guy shouted at me.

'Err cant you see? I AM blind.' I told him.

'Oh,' I heard him say, I can hear a bit of guilt in his voice.

I decided to forget about the flower and walk back to the trolley that Drake set while he got his car.

'Hey, I saw you talking to that guy, everything okay? Do you know him?' I heard Drake ask once Im at the stop where he left me.

'Yea Everything is fine. No, I dont know him. Some people just cant accept the fact that there are blind people living in this world.' I complained to him. He just gave me a warm hug.

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