Chapter Five - Official Meeting Part One.

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Chapter Five - Official Meeting Part One.

{ Christina Frank }

This sucks. I got no friends. Well except Julia my sister. She's all that's close to me in school. I find my way towards the field with my brand new cane that Drake bought for me.

Every lunch time, I could find my way towards the field and take a seat under a tree. It actually calms me down in the silent nature. But I have a feeling that today all that is going to change, I just have to wait for it.

Suddenly I heard a ball bounces towards my way followed by a fast pace of footsteps, which seems like they are running or jogging.

'Oh hey, Im sorry to disturb.' I heard a guy said.

'Nah it's okay.' I smiled towards his voice.

'Im sorry about the ball. Hey you're the new girl right?' he asked.

'Eyup. The Blind one to be exact.' I joked.

'Yup can see that. But who cares you're human as well right? Not like your some kind of alien in a human body.' He joked.

'Eyup. I'm all human.' I said.

'Im Ed, Edward Simmons. You are?' I heard him say with a hint of smile in it.

'Im Christina Frank. My brother calls me Chris while my parents and sisters calls me Tina. You can call me anyone though.' I reach my hand out in hoping he could shake it, as a friendly gesture.

'Right then Chris.' He said. 'I better get going. Nice talking to you anyways, hope to catch up with you soon.' He said.

'Same goes to you too.' Then I heard him jogging away saying 'bye' to me. Well that was new. I got up while I find my cane.

'Here.' I felt someone passes my cane to me. His fingers brushes against mine that send shock of sparks through my fingers.

'Er, thanks.' I said.

'Where are you heading to?' The person asked.

'I dont know.' I told him.

'Want to ditch?' he offered.

'Love to but no thank you. Besides, I dont know who you are.' I told him.

'Im Reece, Reece Tucker. Come on, I want to bring you some where, I want to apologize for the other day.' He said.

'Apologize? The other day?' I said. 'Wait, dont tell me you're the rude guy that bumped into me?'

'Yea. That's me. So could you follow me? I really want to apologize. I was a real jerk to you back then. Or maybe just accept it as a "Welcome to the neighbourhood" kind of gift.' He said.

'You sure that your not some kind of killer trying to find new victims or some rapist that cant really keep his pants still?' I asked him seriously. 'Cause I know Im blind but dont underestimate me.'

'Come on, do I look like a killer or a rapist?' he asked.

'Err, you're asking that to a blind person?'

'Shit, Im sorry. I mean do I sound like one?' he rephrase it.

'Kinda.' I joke.

'Ha ha ha. Very funny. Now please follow me. Or I'll look stupid begging you.' He said.

'I'll take my chances.' I said.


'Nah just joking calm you tits down woman.'

'Hey! Im clearly not a woman. I'm full man.' He defended.

'Ya ya, whatever you say woman.' I said while he hold onto my arm, which sends electric currents running through. Did he felt any of that?

'I didnt catch you name?' he said.

'Cause I didnt tell you my name.' I told him in a "duh" tone.

'But I told you mine.' He said.

'And that won't change anything.' I said.

'Yea it will.' he said, 'its a beginning of a new friendship.' I reckon that he's smiling right now.

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