Chapter Seven - Meet The Family Part One.

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Chapter Seven - Meet The Family. Part One

{Reece Tucker}

R: Heyy, are you done with your last class?

C: Hey yourself, Yes I'm done with my class.

R: Have you called your dad?

C: Yes I did and he said he want to meet this guy who stole his princess from him.

R: Err. Am I going to be dead?

C: I'm afraid so....

R: Shit. I think I should apologize to your dad.

C: Hahaha. Oh my god. Calm your man pants down. You're not going to be dead. I was just joking.

R: Are you sure? Cause I don't want to go just yet.

C: I'm positive. So where do you want to meet?

R: Right! just meet me at the front door. I'll be there in five mins.

C: Sure see you then.

(A/N: hope that their text convo is alright. Do comment your thoughts on how I can improve. -A😘)

'Hey Reece!' I heard my buddy shout my name.

'Hey what's up dude.' I said.

'You coming tonight?' Blake ask


'Yes tonight. Puck's party.'

'Err sorry dude not today. I kinda have something on. But hey, text me if there's something awesome happening.'

'Yea sure dude.'

'I gotta go off now. See you soon okay.' I give him a bro hug and run towards the front door. Hoping that I wasn't late. Once I step out, Christina is standing at the corner waiting for me peacefully. People are giving her the look whenever they walk pass her. It hurts me to see.

'Hey Christina. Sorry to keep you waiting. Am I late?' I ask her.

'No, no you're not. I just came out actually.' She turn towards my voice.

'You ready to head to my car?'

'Yea sure. Lead the way.'

'Aright then. Are you fine walking?' I can't help but to ask.

'Do you mind me holding onto your arm?' she ask shyly.

'Be my guest.' I hold her hand guiding then to my forearm and lead the way to my car.

'Thank you.' She said while giving me the warmest smile that she has given to me. It melt my heart to see her smile.

"Hey jackass, look at you, you've turn all mushy. You're such a pussy." my mind talk to me.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to go back to your player ways. Look at the other SMOKING HOT girls that are drooling over you." He told me strongly stating 'SMOKING HOT'

"Whatever, I maybe might be stoping. It's my life. Just shut it." I said. Trying my best to stop thinking.

'Hey, are you okay?' Christina ask.

'Err, yea. Why?' I look at her.

'Well you seem quiet. Is anything wrong?' she ask.

'No. Nothing. I was just thinking through.' I told her.

'Thinking about how many ways my dad will kill you?' she said in a serious tone.

'What?!' I can't help it but to swallow my saliva.

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