Chapter Twelve - Check Ups.

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Chapter Thirteen - Check Ups.

{ Christina Frank }

'I'm sorry honey. I can take you to see Dr Mills this time.' Mum said. I hear a lot of movements.

'Nah it's okay mum. We could push the appointment to next week.' I said.

'Nonsense. I got someone to accompany you.'

'And who would that be? Drake took Julia and Anna to the Carnival and Dad is at work and you are about to head to work too.'

'Your friend Reece said it was okay for him to accompany you to see Dr Mills.'

'Mum! why must you drag Reece along? I'm not ready to let people know about the surgery. Why can John go with me?' You guys might be confuse. Last year before we moved here, one of my doctors told me and my parents that I could get my sense of sight, it's going to be a risk but there's a 70 out of 100 percent that it will work. So I decide to give it a shot. But the problem is I have to make a trip to another town as they have the best doctor whos a specialist in the surgery.

My dad found out that that the doctor is living at the same town where he's being transferred at. So that was partly the main reason why we moved.

My parents believe that it's a miracle from god that there's such thing to make a blind person see.

'John cant take you there. He has to take care of the house. And besides, I trust that Reece boy, and I'm having a feeling that you like him.' Mum tease.


'What, is it true?'

'What! No!' I protest

'My dear, why are you blushing then?'

'Mum! Just go already!' I said covering my face with my pillow.

'Alright, alright! Don't have to shoo me.' I said. 'I'll see you tonight. Call me once you're done with the check up.' She remove the pillow and kiss my forehead.

'Bye mum.'

'Bye sweetheart.' She closes my bedroom door.

Great now I have to tell Reece the whole thing, cause I'm pretty sure he'll be all "can-you-explain-why-you're-doing-this?" on me.

But can I really trust him with this? Okay maybe I'm over thinking this, we known each other for like what? Nearly 7 months now?

'Christina?' I hear someone calling me. 'Where are you?'

'I'm in my room!' I shout back. I swing my legs to the side of my bed. I hear foot steps approaching my room. Followed by a knock on my door. 'Come in!'

'Hey, you mum called me saying that you need to be in the hospital. Why?' I hear Reece asking me.

'Long story. Once we reach there you'll know.' I said standing up. Making my way to my bathroom, I trip on some soft thing on the floor, waiting for pain to shoot up my body, nothing really happen. I just feel warmth going around my body, next thing I know I feel hands on my waist, and hot breath on my ear.

'That was close.' He whisper to my ear. Sending shivers down my spine.

'I-I should. Erm. Like. Go and get ready.'

'Yea. I'll be here if you need me.' He said.


'Alright. All your vital signs are perfect, they are improving.' Dr Mills said. 'Next, you'll have to meet my friend, who will check on you physical stability.'

'Okay.' I said, honestly I hate being here. In the hospital. First people die here, second I'll be sick.

'My nurse will bring you to meet him. I have to talk to your friend here.'

'Alright.' With that I feel someone holding on to my shoulder, I stand up and follow wherever the nurse leads me.

{ Reece Tucker }

'I was told by Ms Frank that you're Tina's friend that will be here on behave of them.' Dr Mills said.

'Yes. Yes I am. May I know, basically what's going on?' I ask.

'Honestly I don't know if Tina is comfortable with you knowing but besides, I need you to pass the informations to her parents. Why not.' he said. 'Her previous doctor told her that there's a possibility that she can see. It's a 70 out of 100 percent it might work. But we have to carefully check on her, meaning she has to go up to her regular check ups.'

'So, you're saying she has a 70 percent chance to see? and a 30 percent that she'll stick to being blind forever?' I ask.

'Sadly, 30 percent not being to be here.' He looks down.

'You mean she'll be dead if the surgery fails?!' Shock, sadness and anger is going through my body. I don't know why but I just accept it that if she's going to go through this, if it fails she might be dead.

'Yes. I'm afraid so, that's why we are doing all the tests on her to see which fits her best.' He explain. 'I've been doing this for almost 5 years now, different patients have their different causes of blindness. Even for those who are naturally born blind, their veins in their brains work differently.'

'And you're telling me that he might not make it through the surgery?'

'I don't want to put it that way but not wanting to give you high hopes, we are trying our best to find out what type of options we should proceed with.'

'How long would the process go?'

'It doesn't take up to half a month. As for Tina's case, she's done her other test back at her hometown. Lucky her, this is her last testing.' He said grabbing the printed papers from the copy machine. 'I've printed the whole set of her report, this is for her parents. Hope that they will take the news in a different way than I expect.'

'Sure do. Thank you doctor Mills. If there's any more up coming information, do call her parents and me.'I said standing up.

'Yes, I will. Please take care of Tina. She never brings anyone besides her family members here. I'm guessing you're really special to her.' He said.


Am I special to her?

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