Chapter Thirteen - Life Challenges.

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Chapter Thirteen - Life Challenges.

{ Christina Frank }

'Alright class, prom is in two months time, I know you guys will be excited about it but before you start going all crazy about it, there's just one last project that I want you to do.' My Homeroom teacher, Mr Stones said.

I hear the whole class groan in disappointment.

'Hold your horses, it's not a hard one. I want everyone to take note, the subject is Life Challenges. I want you guys to state what are you life challenges and what you think you might be facing in the near future. Remember this is your final graded assignment.' He said.

Wow, life challenges huh? I know I'll make one heck of a story.

The school bell rings, indicating school has ended. I wait for everyone to leave as usual.

'Miss Frank?' I hear my Homeroom teacher call out.


'Do you mind staying for awhile?'

'Yea sure.' I hear a lot of paper movement and dragging of chair.

'Right then. Let's talk about the project that I've talk about.' He said. 'I understand that it's going to be hard on you. Would you like me to talk you through the different types of topics that is available for you?'

'Nah it's okay Mr Stones. I'm fine with this.' I told him giving him a smile.

'Are you sure about it? You know I can change it for you and you'll be doing the presenting at the end of my class.'

'I'm sure. Mr Stones, please don't give me the special treatment just because I'm blind. It would be nice if you treat me like I'm just your normal student. No special treatment at all.' I told him.

'Alrighty then. If you say so. No special treatment.' He said.

'Thank you Mr Stones.'

'But, if you need any help just ask me aright?'

'Yes I will.' And with that I hear a knock on the classroom door.

'Come in.' Mr Stones said. Hearing the door opening and footsteps coming in. 'Ah, Mr Tucker, it's nice to see you. What can I help you with?'

'Nothing. I'm just here to pick Christina up.' I hear Reece said.

'Oh how nice of you. Okay now run along you two. And don't forget what I said Miss Frank.' Me Stones said.

'Yes sir!' I playfully salute to him.


'For the last time Reece, it's okay.' I said.

'I will not take 'no' for and answer.' He said. 'I will keep pestering you till you say 'yes'.'

Okay so basically Reece here decided that it was a great idea to help me out in my Homeroom project. Or shall I say be in my project.

'Now how are you going to get me to agree with you?' I challenge him.

'By doing this.' Suddenly I feel his fingers start to tickle my sides and I start to enter a fit of laughter.

'Please. Reece. Stop!' I laugh out.

'You have to agree with me helping you out. Then I'll stop tickling you.' He continue to poke my sides.

'Never!' I manage to shout out. My sides are burning from me laughing a lot. He keeps on poking till a point where I couldn't take it any more.

'Fine! Fine! I agree!' I laugh out.

'What is that?' Reece ask.

'Stop poking me! I agree! I want you to help me!' with that the tickling stop.

'Now that wasn't hard right.' Reece said.

'You owe me ice cream.' I pouted at him.

'Fine. How does Ben and Jerry sound?'



I know it's short and I feel bad that it's been a long time I've been posting, I'm truly am sorry. School has been getting to me.

I'll try my best to update the next chapter as soon as I can. Hope that you guys will still be with me in the story.


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