Not adpoted! School.

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"So did you guys adopt ross or something?" Laura asked.

When Laura said that ross couldn't take it anymore


"Ross please." Ellen said.

"NO I CAN'T " Ross said yelling

Laura got ran to her room confused

Laura's POV:

I'm so confused about ross I don't know what he is talking about I don't know him and he said I was his best friend so I jumped in my bed and hid my face in my pillow confused

And remembered school tomorrow ugh Laura is good at school but always gets picked on and only has 2 friends but she is hoping the lynches are going to the same school

No ones POV

~downstairs with everyone else~

"ROSS!" Stormie yelled.

"I'm sorry I just don't know how to feel." Ross said

"Ross I know you miss the Laura you rember as your best Friend but she will rember one day you can't stress her out." Ellen said

"I know I'm sorry."

"Well I think we should get going its a school night." Stormie said.

"Wait school!" Ross,riker,rydel, rocky and ryland said.

"Yep." Stormie said.

"Laura is also going to the same school as you guys." Vanessa said.

"Cool." The lynch kids said.

"Well come on kids lets go."

And with that the lynches left and thanked Ellen for dinner and went home

~the next day {before school}|

Laura's POV

I was getting ready for school when my mom called me down

"What is it?"

"Well you are going to school with the lynches from now in because of my job I have to work early in the mornings so I have to go but the lynches will come pick you up ok." Ellen said.

"Ok mom." I say

Then I realized it was only 5:30am so I head upstairs and tried to fall asleep but it didn't work so I just looked out my window and watched the early morning sunrise then I see in the window to the house next door because I see riker and that ross kid talking and both shirtless ha typical boys I decided it was time to get ready so I got dressed and did loose curls in my hair then go downstairs and see Vanessa Making breakfast

"Hey Vanessa." I say.

"Hey laur I'm making you breakfast." Vanessa said.

"Awe thanks Vanessa you are the best sister ever!"

Vanessa smiled

*knock knock*

"I'll get it."

Laura opens the door to see ross

"Hey I was wondering what time school starts." Ross said.

"Oh at 8:30 but you know it's only 6am."

"Shit I could have got more sleep well thanks see you later we will pick you up at 8:15." Ross said.

"Ok but who is going to school with us that is in your family?" I asked

"Oh Ryland and rocky." Ross said

"Ok well I will see you later."

"Bye see you soon. Ross said and left

There was something about when ross said "I will see you soon"reminded me of something or someone but I can't remember well whatever I need I just get ready for school

Laura got all ready for school did loose curls and Was all ready but I was 15 minuets ahead if schedule so decided to go over to the lynchs

Laura knocked and the door and ross answered the door with messy hair boxers on

"Dude you know school starts in 30 minuets!"

"Oh shoot I fell back asleep I will be ready in 15 you can come in." Ross said.

"Ok thanks." I say

I walk in a sit on the couch and rydel comes down

"Hey girly!" Rydel says with excimet

"Hey what are you happy about." I ask her

"I down have to go to school because me and Riker finished school already."

"Lucky I say!"

And for 15 minuets Laura and rydel talked and caught up in each others lives then ross,rocky and ryland came down all ready

"We're ready!" The boys said

"Ok are we walking or driving?" I ask them

"How about walk?" Rocky suggests.

"Ok." We all agreed

We started walking then a car comes close to us rolls down there window and its populars and yell to Laura

"Hey look it's Laura the slut walking to school!" Then they drive off

"Jerks!" Rocky and ryland say.

I just look down trying not to let tears fill my eyes

"If you guys want to live normal lives down hang out with me at school."

"Laura we don't care about them they are jerks we will stay by you and stick up for you ok." Ross said

"Yea Laura we won't leave you. Rocky said.

"Thanks guys!" I say

And with that they are at school

BAM CHAPTER! Hey guys can you give me some ideas for this story to juice it up a bit it would be help full thanks I love you all

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