Band falis

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(With everyone downstairs eating breakfast and Laura and ratliff came over)

"Ok we have band practice today." Riker said.

"Yay I love practice!" Rydel said.

"Me to." ratliff said.

"Well I'm eating Mac and cheese while you guys are eating eggs so you know rocky with Mac an cheese is like in happy land☺." Rocky said

" and I thought I was weird." Ryland said.

(Everyone started laughing intill ross came down stairs)

"um do I get food!" Ross kinda demanded.

( Stormie pointed to the food and the counter so he could dish himself)

"ugh fine ill do its myself."

(Everyone was silent and ross got his food and sat next to Laura and rocky with his beer)

"Ross he have band practice today." Riker said.

"And." Ross said.

"Um dude he was just telling you" rydel said.

"Ok." Ross said wile running his hand through his hair.

Everyone finished breakfast and then r5 went to practice and ross already had his second beer on his third a little drunk

"Ok guys lets start with the opening of forget about you just playing DONT sing."

Half way through the song things started to go wrong ross kept messin up over an over and playing the wrong chords so that messed up rydel and rocky so by the time te song was almost over ross,rocky and rydel had stopped playing.

"What happened guys!!!"riker yelled.

"It's was ross who messed us up!" Rocky and rydel yelled.

"So what everyone makes mistakes." Ross said.

"NOT THAT BAD!" Riker yelled at ross.

"Whatever." Ross said.

"you weren't even singing." Riker said.

"Well I'm going to sing this time and it will be much better." Ross said.

"It's Better be!" Riker said.

Yay chapter

Will ross stop drinking?

Will he get kicked out of the band?


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