Short sequel

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That day Laura remembered ross they got together ross them stopped drinking and smoking and 2 weeks later ross asked Laura out on a date and she happily accepted ross took her to a fancy dinner and right when they got home to lauras it was their first time making out then after a year they moved out into a HUDGE house then about a week later ross and Laura did 'it' together for the first time and ross used protection but it must of broke and Laura got pregnet this is how she found out

About 3 weeks after doing it ross and Laura where home in their bed cuddling when Laura jumped up and started to throw up and ross ran behind her and held her hair Laura then stopped throwing up and looked at ross.

"Hay baby you ok?" Ross asked.

"Um I might just be sick." Laura said.

"Want to go to the doctors?" Ross asked.

"No ross I'm fine." Laura said.

"If you throw up again were going." Ross said.

"Ok." Laura said.

The next morning Laura woke up laying on top of ross them jumped off him and ran to the bathroom and threw up again ross then woke up and ran into the bathroom.

"Ok Laura lets go the the doctor." Ross said.

"FINE!" Laura said and they got ready and left they finally got their and they where in a room with a doctor.

"So what seems to be wrong today?" He asked.

"Well I have been throwing up and my boyfriend was getting worried so he made me come here." Laura said looking at ross.

"Ok so their could be a chance you have the stomach flu let me just take your temp." The doctor said and Laura opens her mouth and put it in.

"Ok you seem fine have you had by chance any food poisoning?" The doctor asked.

"No because me and my boyfriend eat the same Meals everyday and he is fine." Laura said.

"Ok have you guys had sex?" The doctor asked.

"Yea but I used a condom." Ross said.

"Ok Laura how about you go in the bathroom and take a pregnancy test." The doctor said giving her one.

"Doctor can I go?" Ross asked.

"Sure." He said and ross walked in with Laura but before she took it ross looked in her eyes because it looked like she was going to cry.

"What's wrong?" Ross asked.

"I'm scared that if I'm pregnant that you'll leave me because you used a condom so you don't want a kid." Laura said.

"Laura honey no I would love a baby I only used it because I didn't think you wanted one but whatever happend I will always love you." Ross said and Laura smiled Laura then sat pulled up down her pants and sat on the toilet and peed in the cup them sat up and pulled up her pant and put some of the pee in the test he gave her three test that she had to do so she did them all. All of a sudden they all had a +

"We're having a baby." Ross said and hugged Laura.

Laura was crying happy tears.

"Wow ross I can't believe this I'm so happy." Laura said and ross kissed her.

Then 3 months later Laura came back for her first altar sound.
(I know you have 1 before you fine out the gender but yea)
Laura got dressed in her gown and ross laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"Your butt is hanging out of the gown where is your under where?" Ross asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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