2. Cooking

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Future me updating this 1 year later because I'm tired of getting asked this question: Chapter 1 was a poorly written smut. I didn't like people reading something that doesn't show my writing capabilities so I unpublished it. There is a smut later in the book that I think is good enough to stay. My writing style changes and becomes better through the book so I'm not this trash at writing anymore. That's all.

Bonjour! It's literally 1 am while I'm writing this and I can't get back to bed, so fan fic is the answer! Personally I just love to write things so I'm doing it for my amusement. If people like it, that's a plus to it! Anyways, back to today's story, enjoy!

Bill's POV

Today I decided to give my Pine Tree a little surprise to wake up to, so I decided to make breakfast for him! I went down stairs before he woke up, but still left a kiss on his forehead. I took out the chicken fetuses from the fridge, along with the bread from the pantry. I dropped 2 pieces of the bread in the heat box these meat sacks  call a toaster. I got a pan out and cooked the 'eggs'. I grabbed 2 plates and put them on the plates, and walked over to the table to set them down. I walked to the fridge to get out the juice. I didn't know which drink he wanted to i poured a glass of each juice, and one with milk. I heard rustling upstairs so I tried to hurry. There was something I forgot but I couldn't put my finger on it...

Dip-n-Dots POV

It smelt like something burning when  I walked down the stairs so I began to worry. Bill wasn't in bed when I woke up, so I fastened my pace and made it to the kitchen, with Bill waving the toaster with a towel and some toast on the counter top. Well, what used to be toast, which is now charcoal.

"Did you, uh... Have some trouble down here?" I giggled

"What do you mean?" He smirked and looked down at the toast. "It's not burnt. It's slightly toasted." he laughed while walking towards me.

"You're a dumb dorito sometimes." I giggled

"A dumb dorito that you love"

Sorry It's short. I'll be trying to get them longer

BillDip OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now