38. Fuck me

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I dropped a pot today in the sink and cracked it then screamed "AH FUCK ME WHY DONT YA?!" (The picture above is the pot that's being mentioned) And I got inspired? I don't know...

So that's how my days going...

Five dollar Bill's POV

I decided to clean up the house, since Pinetree has been working really hard and I wanted to give him a day off.

So I swept the living room, I cleaned the windows and the TV screens, I mopped the kitchen floor, and I even shoveled the walk way outside.

After doing all of that it was already Noon.(ITS HIIGGGHHH NOON... sorry, I'll go home) I walked into the kitchen and saw there were dirty dishes so I thought I should do those too so Pinetree doesn't.

As I was washing, I grabbed a glass and washing it. I guess I used too much soap (kinky 😂😉) and it slipped out of my hands.

"Fuck me..." I sigh as it shatters in the sink.

I begin to clean all the glass out of the sink and I cut my finger.

"Fuck me!" I say a bit louder and I run to the bathroom to get a band-aid.

After I clean the cut and put a band-aid on it, I walk out and walk down the hall and to the living room since you have to go through the living room to get to the kitchen.

As I'm walking I stub my toe on the coffee table and stop.

I look down and take a long inhale...

"FUCK ME" I yell, and I guess a little too loud because after I yell I hear Pinetree open the door and yell,


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