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I've been writing a shit ton because writing takes my mind off things and my mom is trying to put me in the middle of her problems with her and my dad and his wife, so have this...

Dippers POV

It was a summer after noon on a hot Saturday and Bill and I were sitting in the living room watching Netflix. I had a popsicle and was paying attention to the movie on, I didn't notice Bill looking over at me once in a while.

I began to notice after he let out a low groan. I didn't pay too much attention to it, but I did glance over at him once in a while as well. He started to squirm as he stared at me. He saw me looking at me and blushed. I became confused and rose a brow at him.

"Something wrong?" I ask as I look at him with his rosy cheeks.

All he responded with a grunt and looked at my popsicle.
My brain finally pieced everything together and my eyes widened and my face heated up as well.

"BILL! QUIT STARING AT ME LIKE THAT YOU PIG!" He laughs awkwardly then stops when he sees my death glare.

Long story short, Bill fell sleep very quickly that night from all the energy he used.

From the running from Dipper, what'd you think I meant?

BillDip OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now