16. Slutty

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Because Halloween is coming up, I made this. Enjoy? I don't know how to end this 😂

Bills POV

Okay, so I know spiking drinks isn't good, including punch at a Halloween party... but the out come of it was worth it...

Dipper and I were at a Halloween party, and Dipper asked me to get him some punch. Now the bowl was across the room so he wouldn't be able to see me. With my devilish mind, an idea popped into my head...

I haven't see a wasted Pinetree in a while...

After making it to the bowl, I grabbed 2 cups. Filling one half way, and the other full. I put some vodka in the half filled cup, and noted which was which.

Making my way over to Pinetree, I handed him the spiked punch and took a sip of mine.

After Pinetree had tried his, I smirked with my cup hiding my mouth..

3 hours, and many cups of punch later...


Oh no...

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