21. Voicemail

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Alright, I know, I'm a monster for writing this. Once you read it, you might agree. Anyways. I'm sorry! But it was such a good prompt, I couldn't pass up on it. Anyways... enjoy? PLEASE DON'T TRY TO FIND ME AND STAB ME WITH PITCH FORKS AND TORCHES 😟




I'm sorry, your call has been forwarded to our automatic voice message system. At the tone please record your message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up, or press one for more options..


"Hey, Dipper. I'm just calling to tell you happy birthday. This would make it your... 26th birthday. You're gettin old. Heh.."

Bill looks up into the sky searching for something not there.

"I have Aurora with me. She's in the car though, didn't wanna have to deal with the seat belt again.. heh, that and telling her why I'm calling... She misses you, but not as much as me... she's 4 now too.."

He looks up at the sky, the clouds a grey, and it starting to drizzle rain.

"Anyways... I left some flowers for you, even though it's raining, I thought you would like them... they're roses. Your favorite... I just.. God, how did I not see the car coming?! I.. I looked both ways... I'm such an idiot."

Bill starts to cry a bit, wiping the tears he looks back at the car with her in it..

"I still haven't told her how it happened.. I just don't know how to...It's been 3 years, and I still can't get over it... I just... miss you so much."

Bill looks down at the head stone...

"Okay. I have to go. So I love yo-Voice Mail Is Now Full"

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