3. Internet

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A/N- this is an au, where Bill and Dipper are YouTube gamers, carry on now!

Bills POV
I was at my desk on discord with Dipper and Mabel getting ready to play a game for our channels. I logged on to my GTA account and got into the mini game we were going to play. Dipper was already slightly annoyed today because I woke him up from his nap. He was also upset because Mabel ate all the pop tarts.
Anyways, I got my recording ready and... 3. 2. 1...
"Hey what's up my Doritos, Bill here, with another crazy GTA video with my friend Mabel!"
I could hear Dipper whisper,"Dickhead"
I smirk and say," Oh, and my cute ass boyfriend Pinetree."
"STOP CALLING ME THAT YOU STALE CORN CHIP", Pine tree yelled, already sounding angry.
We were half way through the game, and I was in such a large lead I decided to troll Dipper a bit. I got out of my car and hid behind a bush with my grenade launcher ready to shoot. I heard Pinetree grumble about coming to his 2nd lap mark so he was close. Once I saw him I shot him, which was probably a terrible idea because of what happened. The only thing you could hear from Dipper was a slam of his fist onto his desk and a grunt of rage.

"Bill... you can either come fight me like a man, or cut your shit out... your choice"
I laughed a bit and said," You couldn't even reach my face to fight, even if you tried."
~Temps passé~
Dipper was coming up to the finish and Mabel and I had already finished so we planned to mess around with him a bit more. We both sat at the end and waited for him to turn the corner.
"Finally, this shit can be over", Dipper sighed, annoyed.
"Yep, almost over", I smirk and see him coming into view. Mabel and I both shoot him killing him, earning some noise I've never heard from Pine tree. It must of been pure rage, because I could hear it in my room, and Pine trees room is down stairs. I decided it was the perfect time to put the prank to an end, so I went to the wifi router and unplugged it. I heard loud stomps come from downstairs. Pinetree slammed my door open and looked at me with a baseball bat in hand, for security reasons, and yelled, "FIX THE INTERNET BEFORE I SMASH YOUR COMPUTER AND BREAK YOUR SHINS!!"
I laughed harder than I ever have and plugged it back in then walked over and hugged the infuriated Pinetree.
"I hope you know that I actually hate you. I have a lot of rage for you, and you only"

"Love you too, Pinetree"

BillDip OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now