60. Sacrifice

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uwu, whats dis?

Dipper's POV:

I wake up with a dull headache in the back of my head. I look around and see I'm laying on a cement floor in a dark and empty room.

How did I end up here again?

~Flash back~

I walked down the street to the local library when I heard whispers from groups of people

"I hear the Demon King is going invade our town..."

"No, he's not! There's going to be a sacrifice to keep him from doing so."

"Yeah, the town is holding a meeting tonight to vote who it will be."

"Who are you voting for to be sacrificed?"

I walk away after hearing that, sick to my stomach. I make my way to the library and walk in, hoping they were lying. I try to find a book to get my mind off the subject.

As I'm reading I hear some teens whisper at the table right beside me.

"So when is the meeting again?"

"Should be in 2 hours..."

I shake my head to stop listening;

"I don't want to hear this.. just turn it out Dipper.." I think to myself, sticking my nose in the book.

"Who do you want to vote for? I'm voting Mabel Pines.. she's so annoying."

I slam my book closed loud enough to get the teens' attention. I stand up and walk out with a scowl on my face.

In my fit of rage, I accidentally walk into park. I look around and see it's empty so I decide to go to my favorite tree. I look up and see a sturdy branch so I decide to climb up and read in the tree.

~Time skip~

I close the book, finally finishing it. I look down at my watch to see it was almost time for the meeting so I jumped out of the tree and made my way to the town hall.

I push the doors open and look around until I spot Mabel sitting in the front. She waves to me with a smile plastered on her face.

She sure is blessed to be able to smile and be so bubbly considering the situation we're in. I'm quite jealous of it, if I'm being honest.

"Alright everyone, sit down. We're going to hold the vote. Each row will come up, and drop their vote that they wrote on the slip of paper in the box. Then sit back down and wait for when we add up the votes. Shouldn't take longer than an hour." The mayor of the small town says in the front of the room.

The first row stands up and we make our way to the voting...

~last time skip~

After everyone voted, the votes are taken out and the mayor counts..

"Okay, so we counted the votes and the most voted person is... Mabel Pines.. Oh..." The mayor says, getting quieter with each word. I gasp, and instantly stand up.

"No!" I yell, clenching my fist in anger.

"I'm sorry Dipper, but it's what has to happen..."

"I won't allow this. I volunteer to take her place!" I feel Mabel tug my sleeve, causing me too look down into her glossy eyes.

With tears sliding down her cheeks, she repeats "no" and shakes her head.

I lean down and hug her.

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