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It started out as a little argument, then it escalated. Big time.

The fight ended with Carmalita crying in Jane and Lonnie's dorm room, Gil staying in their shared dorm to fum, and Porter taking a walk to cool off.


He didn't even know what the Hell they were fighting about!

Porter ran a hand through his hair and sighed. The three of them have been together for a year, and the biggest fight they had was a debate over which was the superior poptart flavor. Long story.

He stopped his walk at the dock, a place where the three of them would sometimes sit and watch the sunset. He sat down on the edge,his feet dangling over the water. Maybe being in a relationship with two people was too much for him.

Maybe they should take a break.


Carmalita wiped her face as Jane rubbed her back soothingly.

"Everything will work itself out, they probably just need some time," Jane reassured her.

Carmalita nodded, sniffling slightly. "Y-your right,"

Her phone started to ring, again. "It's Gil,"

Carmalita sighed and took the phone from her. "Hello?,"

She put it on speaker so the girls could hear him.

"Hey, have you seen Porter? He left a little after you did, but he won't answer my calls,"

"Great. I'll come help look for him," 

When they hung up, she stood and headed to kesve the room.

"Do you want us to come and help you guys?," Lonnie asked.

Carmalita shook her head. "No thanks,"


When she met up with Gil, he looked close to freaking out. His eyes were red from crying and his hair was a mess.

They started their search at the tourney field, then to the library,then at the enchanted lake.


"I shouldn't have yelled at him, fuck, this is all my fault," Gil rubbed his face.

Carmalita put a hand on his arm. "Relax, I'm sure h-he's fine,"

But in the back of her mind, she was as worried as he was. "Let's check the docks," She suggested.

Gil nodded and grabbed her hand as they began to walk.


Porter scrunched up his face as he felt a drop of water hit his forehead. Not soon after that, rain started pouring down. Hard.

He didn't make any moved to get up. Maybe if he stayed there he'd be swept away into the water.

He stared straight ahead, watching the pirate ship approach him.


He blinked rapidly, his eyes trying to make sense of things.

It wasn't long before the huge vessel was docked in front of him.

Porter stared up at it as the platform began to come down. Then smoke started to fill the area. His vision became blurry and he started to cough.

He saw to figures step off the boat, but  before he could do anything, everything went dark.


Gil and Carmalita saw the ship as soon as they arrived at the dock.

They both took off, running to the edge of the dock.

Carmalita was about to jump in, but Gil grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Stop! The currents to strong,"

She sighed.

Anyone could tell that, the waves were way too rough tonight.

"He has to be up there, we've checked all over campus and Paige hasn't even seen him tonight," She said. They had talked with her earlier and she said they hadn't talked much the whole week.

The two watched the boat as it retreated towards the Isle.

Gil sighed.

"I never thought I'd say this, but.... we need to go back to the Isle. Now,"

Word Count- 600.

Shiz is gonna go down, guys!

Back To The Isle  (Gil x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now