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After she found out about her long brother, Mal and Jasper had been inseparable.

Apparently, the two of them are twins and were separated when they were two, Jasper being raised by their father and Mal being raised by their .

When Mal asked about their dad, and who he was, Jasper told her that his man was Jarome and he was a total douche bag. She expected that much.

Now the two of them were in his new dorm room, sitting on his bed and talking. When he told Mal he was gay, she had decided to set him up with soneone, much to Jasper's embarrassment.

"Oooh! What about Chad, he's pretty decent, he can be a jerk at some points, but he's not too bad," She suggested, turning to her brother.

"I.... I don't know if I can deal with that much.... cockiness," He said, laughing slightly.

Mal nodded. "Yeah.... Oh!,"

Her sudden outburst made him jump and his purple eyes widened slightly.

"I have these friends that are in a three way relationship, maybe they'll  be interested in making it a four way," She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Jasper blushed brightly.

"Are you talking about those two blonde guys and Ursula's daughter?," He asked, biting his lip.

Mal nodded. "Yep. Porter's literally only straight for Carmalita, so he's basically gay. And Gil's bi, so...?,"

Jasper shook his head. "I don't think I can handle a relationship with three other people, besides, I don't really wanna be with anyone right now," He explained, shrugging.

Mal pouted slightly. ". But the second you are, I'm finding someone to pair you up with,"


Porter watched Carmalita laugh with Freddia and Frank.

She told them that they were all half siblings, because their father was Dr. Facilier, which was a relief because Porter was starting to get jealous of her interactions with Frank.

When she came up to him, he wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head as they began to walk.

Gil was at tourney practice, and it was too hot out to just sit and watch, so the two were going down to the Enchanted lake.

Carmalita was extra excited because she wanted to test how long she could will herself hold her breath with her new tail.

Porter was a little nervous about that.

You'd think that Gil would be the over protective boyfriend, and he was, but Porter was the over, over protect boyfriend to his girlfriend.

Her and Gil had nicknamed him 'Helicopter Boyfriend' because of his constant worrying.

When they got to the lake, Carmalita didn't hesitate to get in, quickly wading into the water.

Her tail formed a few seconds after. She had to teach her how to control when and where it formed after it formed while was standing in the shower.... yeah.

"C'mon, Porter!,"

Porter quickly took off his shirt and grabbed his phone, setting a sropbwstch timer.

He sat on the edge, putting his feet in.


She nodded eagerly.

He smiled at her excitement and got ready to press the start button.

"Ok.... go,"

She took a breath and he pressed start as she went under.

After ten minutes he was starting to get a little nervous.

He splashed the way to try and get her attention.

She held her arm up, giving him a thumbs up.

Porter felt a little relief at that.

Six minutes later, she came up.

She wasn't breathing heavily or anything, which was good.

"How long?,"

"Sixteen minutes,"

She cocked her head to the side. "Did you start the timer sfter ten minutes like I asked you too?,"

He paused, then shook his head.

She sighed, laughing slightly. "Porter! I can breathe underwater for ten minutes, you dork!,"

She slashed him, making him splash her back. Soon enough, the two of them were both in the water.

Carmalita had reformed her legs and had them wrapped around Porter's waist, giving him soft kisses as they floated.

The only thing that would make this better, would be if Gil was there with them.


Word Count- 678

I love the fact that I ship my own ship so hard😂.

The three of them are just too cute in my opinion lol. #Porglita!😂

The guy in the media is what Jasper looks like, I couldn't find one with purple eyes or purple tips in his hair all the way around, so just imagine it lol. I couldn't find a better picture of the same guy either lol.

Again, Jasper isn't mine. EmberBloodfire asked if I could put him in. If you guys have any OC's you want me to put in, just comment them. Maybe they'll be able to make things interesting. If you give me a guy, I'll probably pair him up with Jasper lol, because I want him to have a boyfriend.

Back To The Isle  (Gil x OC x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ