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Carmalita grunted as Porter began to shift.

"Porter.... stop," She mumbled, gripping his arm tightly.

Gil had his  arms wrapped around her waist, while she was pretty much using Porter as a human pillow.

"Sorry," Porter whispered, kissing her head. She smiled skightly, still half alseep and kissed his hand.

Gil tightened his grip around her, nuzzling her shoulder.

Porter lazily played with her hair gently running his fingers through it.

Her breathing evened out again, and Porter watched as she leaned into the two of them.

He closed his eyes, falling back to sleep himself.


Fifteen minutes later, Carmalita began to stir, causing Porter and Gil to wake up.

They shared a look as they watched her move around in her sleep, her brows furrowed and sweat starting to form on her forehead.

Porter shook her gently and Gil rubbed her back. "Babe?,"

She suddenly jerked awake, sitting up and pushing them away from her.

Her breathing was rapid, and Gil put a hand on her shoulder.

She jumped violently, whipping around to look at him.

Her eyes softened when she saw it was him and her breathing slowly slowed it's pace.

Then she started crying.

Both boys immediately embraced her, Gil sitting up and hugging her from one side, and Porter moving foward and hugging her from the other.

"Shh, Pearl.... it's ok," Gil rubbed her shoulder, kissing her cheek.

"You're alright," Porter pushed some hair out of her face.

She nodded and sniffled.

"I-I'm o-ok no-now," She stuttered, wiping her face.

"You don't wanna talk about it?," Porter asked.

She shook her head. "Not r-right now,"

The three of them lay back down and Porter looked at Gil as Carmalita drifted back to sleep.

The former pirate just shook his head, and that was the only response Porter needed.

Carmalita wasn't one for talking about her feelings. Or feelings in general.

Porter held her close to him, and she rested her head on his chest, smiling in content.

Soon enough, they had all fallen back to sleep.


When Carmalita woke up again, she couldn't move.

Mostly, because she was currently sandwiched between her two boyfriend's.

Stretching the best she could in her situation, she looked up at Porter.

He was snoring lightly, his mouth slightly open. When she moved to mess with his hair, he tightened his grip around her, making her smile.

Then she frowned and began to shift.

"Porter," She poked at his chest.

He jumped, his eyes snapping open, then g looked down at her. "What's wrong? Another nightmare?,"

She shook her head. "No. But I need to pee,"

He frowned, not seeing the problem. Couldn't she just get up and-

She tapped his wrist and he looked down at his arms that were wrapped around her.

"Oh. Sorry," He smiled sheepishly and quickly released her.

She removed Gil's arms from her waist and hopped off the bed, running to the bathroom.

Porter shook his head in amusement when she returned and she flicked the left over water from her hands at his face.

Frowning, Porter gripped her waist and tugged her on to him, and proceeded to tickle her, making her laugh.

"P-Porter! G-Gil, help me!,"

She tapped Gil's arn, causing him to jerk awake.

When he came to his senses and saw what was going on, he smiled.

Instead of helping her escape, however, he helped Porter tickle her.

She squirmed, laughing and giggling as they tickled mercilessly.

They only stopped when she began to cough.

Alarmed, Porter patted her back. "Are you-?,"

His answer was a pillow wack to the face.

Carmalita laughed, her fake cough gone.

Gil started laughing too and Porter found himself joining them.

"We're all dorks," Gil said,pulling his boyfriend and girlfriend to him.

He kissed both of their foreheads and they kissed his cheek in return.

"No argument there," Porter gripped Carmalita's hand.

"You two might be dorks. But I think we can all agree I'm the sophisticated one in this relationship," Carmalita stated.

There was a silence, then they all began to laugh again.

"Yeah, right," Porter said.

"You wish," Gil kissed her head again.

"Yeah. I didn't believe me either,"

Word Count- 703.

Just a small chapter to make up from my lack of updates.

Now, I need to get back to volunteer work.

I have 45 minutes left and a pack of sweet tart bites to keep me going, lol! Wish me luck and comment if you enjoyed this chapter!

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