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Porter took their moment of shock to his advantage, quickly running away and towards the pirate ship.


Gil moved to go after him, but Carmalita grabbed his arm.

"We need to warn Ben first. He'll be ok,"

Gil hesitated, watching as Porter stood and waited outside the ship.

Then he nodded.

"You're right,"


When they got to Ben's room, and told him what happened he as in shock.

"U-Uma's here? In Auradon?,"

Jay rolled his eyes. "No, she's in Atlantis. Yes, she's here in Auradon!,"

Ben ignored hissarcasm and .

"Maybe if I talk to her, I'll-,"

"Talking isn't going to stop this, Ben. She's here to take over Auradon," Evie said.

The king sighed. "Then we'll fight back, I'll said out my best soldiers,"

He made a quick phone call to Lonnie's parents, who ran the military in the kingidm, and soon enough, the military was already crowed around Uma's ship.

They all watched from the window, hoping that this would end it.

But... nothing happened.

The soldiers just.... stood there, lol they are in a trance.

Carmalita gasped.

"Oh, no. No, no, no," She ran a hand through her hair.

"What? What's wrong?," Ben asked.

"Uma's part siren, you know, those mermaid like people who could sing songs to lure sailors to their deaths? This isn't good,"

"What should we do?," Evie asked.

There was a silence.

"First... first we need to figure out hiw to break siren spells. Carmalita?," Ben turns to her.

She paused. "Well.... I know our mother's necklace helps increase Uma's powers. So if we can break that, then that should do it,"

Everyone let out a breath of relief.

"But, she never takes it off,"

They all groaned.

"Then we need to get it away from her... and I think I have an idea," Evie smirked.


The plan was easy enough. Ben would 'Surrender' Auradon to Uma and she would be given a royal makeover by Evie, who will then remove her necklace and replace it with a fake that Mal would make.

They caught up with Carlos and Mal while they were heading to the docks, and Mal had immediately went to the art room to start working on the take necklace.

Arriving at the docks, they saw Uma, Harry and Porter standing outside of the ship, along with half of Uma's crew.

The pirates got into battle stances, preparing for the worse.

Ben walked up to them, holding a hand up in surrender.

Uma frowned. "Why give up so easily?,"

Ben shrugged. "It's not like there's anything else I could do. I may be king but I'm not immune to magic,"

Uma smirked. "You mean you were king. Crown me,"

Uma snapped her fingers, and Harry immediately walked up to Ben, taking the crown off of his head and giving it to Uma. 

She grinned, turning to her crewmates and holding up the crown in triumph.

"Our time has come!,"


The plan was in full effect.

No one other than the seven teens new about the plan, so everyone believed what was happening would stay that way.

Mal had given Evie the fake necklsce, and now the blue haired girl was just waiting for a time to switch them.

It wasn't as easy as she thought it would be, though.

Uma had insisted Porter stay in the room while Evie gave her the makover, and he was watching her like a fucking hawk.

"So.... do you want Purple or Blue nails?,"


When Evie was finished with her makeover, she reported back to her friends.

The news was not what they expected.

"I couldn't trade them out. Porter was watching me like a fucking hawk," She sighed.

"We just need to come up with another plan," Mal said.

"Maybe we could spell her? Give her amnesia or something?," Carlos suggested.

"That won't work. She's immune to spells when the necklace is on," Carmalita spoke up.

"Anything else we should know about the necklace?," Jay asked. He was starting to get annoyed with the sudden plot twists. 

Carmalita thought for a moment. "Mmm.... it works best when it's in water, it's pretty much the most powerful sea weapon next to-," She suddenly gasped.

"What? Next to what?," Gil asked.

"Neptune's trident,"

Word Count- 709.

Shiz is going to happen guys, omg. I just got the best idea and it's going to be badass. I'm so excited!😂😂 Hopefully it turns out the way I'm imagining it😂😅

Back To The Isle  (Gil x OC x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ