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Jasper stuffed his hands in his pocket as he walked to Fairy Godmother's office.

She had some him to show some new guys, who were also his new roomates, around campus. He was fine with it, he needed some more friends anyway.

When he got to the office, Fairy Godmother immediately introduced him to the new boys.

"Oh! Jasper, this is Frank Facilier, and Derek," The women smiled, gesturing to the two boys beside her.

"Now, I want you to show them around the school, and to your dorm room," She instructed.

Jasper nodded, only half processing what she said. He was too distracted by his new roommates.

Fuck, were they hot.

Frank was a specimen, with his chiseled jaw, nicely cut hair, bright eyes, and his obvious muscles. Jesus.

Derek. was beautiful, with his practically glowing tan skin, curly Brown hair, and gorgeous green eyes. God. 

Jasper felt his face heat up as he lead the two out of the office and began his tour.

When they finally got their dorm room, he had managed to calm himself some. Enough to ask Derek a nagging question.


The shorter boy looked at him, smiling. Oh Cheeseballs, did he have a great smile.

"U-um, who are your parents?,"

"Aprodite and Hephaestus,"

Of fucking course.

Jasper just nodded, sitting on his bed.

He glanced at Frank, who had been talking on his phone. Every villain kid had gotten one, even Jasoer himself.

"Yeah, Fred... ok, I'll meet you guys there... yeah.... love you too,"

Jasper felt his heart sink. Fred was probably his super model looking boyfrie-

"I gotta go meet my sisters, see you guys,"

When he left, Jasper blinked.


Who in the world would name their daughter Fred- Ooooh. Fred was short for Freddie.

Jasper mentally rolled his eyes. He was overreacting over nothing.

"Hey Jasper?,"

Jasper looked at Derek.

"Do you know where the library is?,"

Jasper nodded. "Yeah. Want me to show you where it is?,"

The brunette nodded, a blush rising up his cheeks.


The two boys headed to the library, Jasper leading the way while Derek trailed behind him.


Word Count- 357.

This idea was given to me by EmberBloodfire. Thanks, dude! Lol.

The next chapter is going to focus more on Porglita, and I'm going to be using the idea that was given to me by Bluepulse_1232, thank you😊!

Before the next chapter I'm going to do a face claim/character information thingy for Frank, Freddie and Derek (who was given to me by Bluepulse_1232)

So keep an eye out guys!

Back To The Isle  (Gil x OC x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz