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When they got to the boating docks, only about a dozen people were around. Which was a little suscpious.

"Ok. You two go in and find bim, we'll keep watch," Carlos said.

Gil and Carmalita nodded then made their way to the boat Porter was on.


When they got inside, Gil could pretty much feel the tension.

"Is everything ok?," He asked, keeping his voice quiet. 

She just shrugged as they continued to walk. They knew the ship well, because it was Uma's and they pretty much live in it.

"Pearl," He grabbed her arm and they stopped walking.

She looked up at him. "Did you not let me get in the water because it was dangerous... or because you didn't want me to save Porter?,"

Gil looked taken aback and his eyes widened. "What? Of course I wanted you to save him. Why would you think that?,"

"Because, after the fight the two of you were so angry at each other, I-I thought....," She sighed again. Gil pulled her to him and hugged her tightly.

"We're gonna get him back, ok?,"

She nodded. "Ok,"


They continued down to the holding cell at the back of the ship.

Sure enough, Porter was in the cell.

His face immediately lit up when he saw them and he stood, walking over to the bars.

Gil looked for a way to open the cell and Carmalita went to Porter.

"You guys came for me?,"

Gil laughed slightly. "No. We're just visiting-," Porter pouted. "Of course we came for you, dork,"

Porter's face lit up again.

Gil began to pick at the lock, something Harry taught him how to do when they were kids. After a few seconds, the door opened.

The three embraced, Carmlaita being hugged tightly by the two.

"Hmph, c'mon, we can cuddle later, let's go,"

The three began their walk back, thinking they were in the clear.

They thought wrong.


As they walked they tried to keep quiet, and were failing.

Thanks to Porter.

"Porter, be quiet!," Gil whispered.

Porter was too busy looking at the many rats passing his feet to answer him. Porter suddenly let out a yelp.

"Porter, shh!," Carmalita whispered harshly.

"I can't 'Shh'! There are rats everywhere!,"

The other two rolled their eyes and they continued walking to the above deck.

When they got there, they froze.

"Look what we have here, the traitors, trying to save their little boyfriend. How cute,"


Carmalita's jaw clenched when she saw her sister.

She had thought they had gotten through to her back at the Cotilion, apparently, she was wrong.

The three looked around, their eyes landing on their friends. Mal, Ben, Jay, Carlos, and Evie were a tied up, sitting on the ground. Harry was standing in front of them, sword drawn.

"What do you want, Uma?," Carmalita asked.

Uma's eyebrow quirked up. "What do I want? Can't a girl just want to see her former friend and sister? I thought family stuck together?,"

"Since when have you ever thought of me as family?,"

Uma shrugged. "Being confined on a tiny island makes a girl angry at the world,"

Uma snapped her fingers, and everyone turned to Harry.

He slashed the rope that was tied around their five friends, cutting them lose.

"You're.... letting us go?," Gil asked.

Uma nodded. "Yes. Now, leave before I change my mind,"

Everyone knew there had to be a catch, but at this point, they just wanted to leave.

Carmalita and Gil grabbed Porter's hands and began to walk away, Him trying to avoid eye contact with Harry.


When they got to the limo, everyone let out a breath of relief.

Everything was fine bow, Porter was safe and everyone was ok.

Porter was seated between Carmalita and Gil, letting her rest her head in his lap and Gil wrap his arms around him.

Neither of them noticed the way Porter's eyes glowed a bright blue and the evil smirk that formed in his face as they crossed back into Auradon.


Uma smirked to herself as she watched the limo cross into Auradon from her ship.

"How do you know the spell worked?," Harry asked.

"Trust me. It worked. Now, all we need to do is wait to here back from him, then we're out of here,"

Word Count- 717.

Plot twist!

I feel like they aren't even plot twists anymore lol, because you guys already know I write a lot of them 😂.

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