459 16 3

They immediately went to Evie and Mal's room.

"Whoa, what's wrong?," Evie asked.

"Porter's been taken to the Isle,"

That was enough to make the girls spring into action. Evie called Jay and Carlos, and Mal called Ben.

After getting everyone caught up on what haooened, Evie decided it was time to get ready to go.

Which meant new outfits.

Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos already had their old outfits on, and Ben had the one Evie had made for him.

"I don't know how long this'll take...," Evie trailed off. Mal shook her head and walked up to Gil and Carmalita.

"I got this," Her eyes glowed green and she lifted up her hand. She muttered a spell under her breath, and their clothes suddenly began to glow.

When the bright glow was gone, their outfits were completely changed.

"Alright. Let's blow this popsicle stand," 


After getting a limo and swords, they immediately headed to the Isle.

Jay was in the front, along with Mal.

Carmalita, Gil, Ben, Carlos and Evie were all seated in the back. Carmalita and Gil were seated on one side, while the others were seated on the opposite side.

Gil looked at her as she stared out the window. Something was bothering her, he could tell. He took her hand, but she pulled it away from him.

The other four shared an awkward look.

Before anything else could happen the limo slowed. 

"Home sweet home!," Jay announced sarcastically.

When he parked the car, they all exited it.

They quickly covered the car with an invisible tarp they 'borrowed' from science class, then made a plan.

"Alright, so first things first. We need to go to the boating dock, and see if we can find Porter. Quietly. Last time we weren't careful enough, but this time has to be different," Mal instructed.

Everyone nodded.

They began to walk, keeping in the shadows and trying to stay as quiet as possible.

But Gil was having a little trouble staying focus. He was too worried about Porter and really confused about what was going on with Carmalita.


Carmalita's POV

I frown as we continue to walk through the strangely vacant streets. My mind doesn't dwell on that fact, even though it probably should.

I was too busy thinking about what happened at the dock earlier tonight.

I don't know if Gil stopped me because the current was too strong or because he was so mad at Porter, that he didn't want him to be saved. I mean, I was mad too, at first, but I'm over it now.

I don't even remember what we were fighting about. I've been thinking about this since we left Evie and Mal's dorm.

My attention snaps back to the group when everyone suddenly freezes. "Someone's coming!," Evie whispered.

We all back up, squeezing into an alleyway and staying as silent as we could.

The last thing we need to do is get caught.

-----End Of Carmalita's POV

"I told you, I heard footsteps!,"

Two people walked passed their hiding spot, not noticing them.

That's what they thought anyway.

The people stopped a little after they passed them.

They both shared a k owing look and looked down at the entrance of the alley.

None told them had noticed, but Evie's show was poking out from the entrance.

As the two people left to report back to Uma, the group quickly continued on.

"That was close," Jay breathed.

Everyone silently agreed.

"We need to move before anyone else comes this way, c'mon," Evie said.

She lead the way as they headed towards the boating dock.


Meanwhile, the two people had already reported back to Uma.

She grinned at the news, Harry standing beside her.

"Now what?," He asked.

"Keep the Pan below deck and decrease the amount of people around. I want to see how this goes,"

Word Count- 644.

Plot twiiist!

Thanks to @EmberBloodfire for this prompt! I changed it up a bit, but I'm definitely going to continue using it.

(The outfits in the media are what Carmalita and Porter are wearing in this)

Back To The Isle  (Gil x OC x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ