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Porter shook his spray paint bottle as he walked into the library. It was late, eleven o'clock, and it was way passed closing time.

Perfect for what he was about to do.

He grinned as he approached a book shelf, and raised his can as he began to spray.

Auradon was definitely going to know they Uma was coming.


The next day, everyone was crowded around the Library, all whispering among themselves and pointing.

"What happened?," Gil asked as him and Carmalita walked up to Jay and Evie.

"Someone vandalised the library," Jay took out his phone and showed them a picture. "You don't think Uma did this, do you?," He asked.

Gil and Carmalita shared a look before looking back at the image.

Who else would spray paint a picture of Uma with her name and the words Long Live Evil.... wait.

"You don't think Porter did this, do you?," Gil asked, getting the same thought as her.

"What? Why would Porter do this? He loves the library," Evie pointed out.

Carmalita . "Yeah, but... he's been acting weord, he lashed out at me yesterday when I tried to ask him about, then he disappeared with his bag of pixie dust,"

"You think Uma spelled him?," Jay asked.

Carmalita nodded. "Definitely, I-,"

Before she could say anythim,g she spotted Porter quickly weaving arlund the crowd.

"Now's our chance to ask," Jay said.

They all ran after him.


Porter ran when he saw them, trying to avoid answering any questions.

He failed when he literally ran into Jay's chest.

"Why the rush?,"

Porter swallowed nervously and backed up, only to bump into Evie.

Carmalita and Gil closed the gaps, closing him in completely.

"U-uh, hey guys.... did you see what happened a-at the library? Cr-crazy, right?,"

They didn't look impressed.

"Porter, is there something you want to tell us?," Evie asked.

"Yeah,like why you snuck out at ten thirty at night? Or why you left Auradon yesterday?," Gil pressed.

Porter hesitated, he needed to stall more.

"W-well, I-I uh... see I-," He took a chance, and tried to run passed Jay.

Only for Jay to grab him and turn him back around.

"Porter? Did Uma do something to you?," Carmalita asked, searching his eyes with hers.

He held eye contact for a moment, his eyes choosing that moment to flash blue again.

Carmalita's eyes widened.

"I knew it, come on. We need to fix this- hold on... Have you been helping her this whole time?,"

He smirked. "Maybe,"

"Then that means-," Before Evie could finish her sentence, everyone started turned towards the dock across the street.

The five teens stared at the large pirate ship, Porter being the only one who looked happy about it.

Two people appeared at the front of the ship.

"Attention, Auradon!," Harry announced, spreading his arms.

Uma grinned. "Our time has come!,"

Word Count- 472.

Somewhat Plot Twist!

Comment anything you'd like to see happen or any feedback!

Sorry updates are slow, lol, I was planning on updating a lot when I got home... but our tire wanted to mess up while we were on the interstate, so we had to wait for my an hour, then another thirty minutes for my aunt to come get us and a tow truck to get my dad and our car (which still hasn't come yet)

Isn't everything just awesome?

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