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Carmalita noticed a change in Porter's  behavior a couple days after they got back from the Isle.

He was being stand-offish and distant, and he was just.... off.

Gil hadn't seemed to notice and she hadn't brought it up, but now it was starting to concern her.

She confronted him at the Library when they were borrowing some new books.

"Porter?," She asked, hesitantly.

They were in the back, where the fiction books are, and no one else was around, so it made sense to ask him now.

"Hm?," He asked, his eyes focused on the bookcase in front of him.

"I-Is everything ok? You've seemed a little u-um.... different,"

She saw him tense.

"I'm fine," He moved on to another bookshelf.

She followed him. "A-are you sure? Ever since we can back from the Isle you've been acting weird," She placed a hand on his shoulder, but he shook it off.

She jumped at the sudden action, hurt visible on her face.

P-Porter, I was just-,"

"I said I'm fine! Just.... leave me alone,"

Then he was gone.

She sniffled, wiping her eyes.

Something was wrong, Porter knew how sensitive she was and never said anything that could hurt her feelings.

She scanned her books, then left the library.

Something was going on, and she was determined to find out.


Porter grunted as he made his way to the boating dock.

His head was pounding, a side effect of Uma's spell.

He's experienced it before, having done this three times already, but it still hurt like Hell.

He reached into his pocket, fishing out his bag of pixie dust and sprinkling some on himself.

Then he began his flight back over to the Isle.


Gil stared at his girlfriend as he tried to process the information. "Wait... our Porter, yelled at you?,"

Carmalita threw her hands up. "Right? Something's wrong....I think Uma did something to him, there's no way she gave him b-back without there being some kind of catch,"

Gil nodded. "Where's Porter now?,"

"I don't lnow, I tried looking for him but I didn't- wait.... what if he....?,"

Gil's eyes widened and they both bolted out to the room.

They had to go back to the Isle again.

This time, with no help.


Uma grinned when Porter landed outside of the barrier.

"Did you bring it?,"

He nodded, holding up the bag of dust.

"That should be enough. Just sprinkle some on the front and back of it,"

Porter handed her the bag through the small hole in the barrier, and Uma's grin widened.

"Wonderful! Now, as for the next part of the plan-," Her grin turned into a smug smirk. "I want you, to go and have some fun. Here," She handed him two bottles of spray paint, one blue one purple.

He grinned as he took them from her.

"Let Auradon know we're coming,"

Word Count- 486.

Somewhat Plot Twist!

I feel like Carmalita is basically me when it comes to feelings and sensitivity, like once my gym teacher called me out because I was 'Talking' while he was and I just started crying like a freaking baby😂😂😅

If you guys have any ideas or anything you want to happen next, just comment or PM me. (Or if you have any suggestions on how to make my chapters longer, lol)

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