Home coming

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Okay I promise in this chapter the story will actually start! I probably should have combined the fist two chapters into one.....Oh well! Here it is! PLEAESE comment, criticise, vote? I'll take anything!

(please!) Enjoy!


I bang my head on the table. Nobody notices. Everybody else is probably asleep too. I stayed up late last night texting Matt. That was after Josie went home of course. She came over around seven and stayed till about ten thirty. We did stalked some little kids, talked, and played semi night games with the neighborhood boys. It was still light out when we were playing, but that probably worked in Josie's favor, cause a sophomore named Nathan kept asking me about her after she left. Hey, shes got more game than I give her credit for.

But before for the chaos of the night games me and Joise went to our favorite talking place, the carousel, or if your Josie, the spinny thingy. We always talk here,when you lay on your back you watch the sky spinning and you have the courage to say anything. I feels like your talking to the sky, the sky always listens, and so does Josie. I lay and watch the sky spin as I tell her about my fail with Jonny.

"I feel like an idiot. I can't even get anyone to go with me to a football game." Did I just say that out loud? This damn carousel, sometimes I say too much under its comfort.

Thats when Josie jumps up to a sitting position. "I know!" I don't have to see her face to know shes beaming at me. "we will get everyone to go! It would be so much fun!"

Everyone, that means Matt too... Maybe.... No, no, and she thinks i'm insane. "And by everyone, you mean?" I ask slowly, trying not to get overly excited myself.

"Oh, I don't know... Who's easy to bribe?"

Okay, now shes thinking clearly."I don't know." I sigh "I usually use force."

"Thats it!" I can imagine a light bulb appearing above her head."I got dirt on Anna and Vera, so I can get them to go, how bout you?"

Realy, if we are using dirt, I can get anyone to go, butI just want one person, "Matt." I say, "I can get Matt to go."

"Oh this is going to be great!" shes practically jumps up and down in her accomplishment. I smile at her giddiness.

Later that night I texted Matt, telling her Josie's brilliant plan. She agreed to come even before I brought up the fact that I had dirt on her, oh and let me tell you I got a lot of it. But damn, she agreed so fast, it took the fun out of it. I pouted and rambled on and on about random topics with her till I fell asleep.

The bell rings and my eyes pop open. I didn't notice they closed. Everyone is leaving for lunch. I jump up and yank my ear buds out. I love science class, they should just change the name to nap class. I bet a lot more people would take it then.


At lunch we take a final head count on who's coming. Anna and Vera agreed too quickly, specially Vera who kept glaring at Josie. Now I really want to know what Josie has over Vera. Josie seemed satisfied with the amount of people we had recruited, but we were all surprised when Marry said she would be there.

"Seriously?!" Josie demanded with a million watt smile on her face.

"Ya, But me and my mom are working security." Shes pauses and thinks,"So is your mom."

Josie tilts her head and confusion, and then it hits her, "Oh, ya! Thats right! Shedid saysomething about that!"

I face palm. The fact that something like this happens daily is unbelievable. Sometimes I wounder if Josie is actually a blonde.

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