Chapter 6

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I walked into the Lima Bean with Sebastian the Monday after we won Sectionals. Thankfully, there was no line so we were able to walk right up to the counter, and the barista sent us a smile.

"What can I get you?" Sebastian sent her a smirk, and she blushed.

"I'll have a medium french vanilla latte with a shot of courvoisier, and the lovely lady next to me will have an iced caramel latte, heavy on the cream." I looked up at him, shocked that he knew my coffee order.

"Okay that will be $8.47." I reached for my wallet, but when I looked up to pay, I saw Sebastian already handing the barista his credit card.

"Seb, I can pay for my own drink." I argued with him, upset that he paid again. He hadn't let me pay any other time we had gone for coffee, and it bothered me.

"Ames, I'm rich. Paying for coffee is nothing, don't sweat it." The barista passed back his credit card as I huffed in annoyance. She reached over and handed us our coffees that had been prepared while we were arguing. Sebastian dropped a $20 in the tip jar before wrapping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me over to a table, where we sat and quietly sipped at our coffee. 

That was when he squinted his eyes, and another smirk lit up his face. I turned my head around and noticed who he was looking at, and I inwardly groaned, but followed him, hoping to maybe stop him from making rash decisions.

"Okay but since you guys are so jazzed about him, I think it's a good idea for Regionals." The brunette girl was saying.

"That may not be the best idea." Sebastian spoke up. "Hey Blaine... hello everyone else." 

"Does he live here? Seriously you are always here." Kurt responded, clearly annoyed by Sebastian's presence.

"Why don't you think it's a good idea?" The kid in the wheelchair piped up. 

"Because we're doing MJ. You see, Warblers drew first position, so as soon as I heard what your plan was, I changed our setlist accordingly." I looked at him like he was nuts.

"What, Seb where did you even hear about this?" I asked, confused as to what he thought he was doing.

"Blaine told me this morning, my dear Amelia. I just called for a tip on how to get red wine out of my blazer piping, and he would not stop going on about it." I was honestly shocked to see this side of him. Blaine looked like he wanted to die.

"I may have mentioned it." He mumbled guiltily. I felt horrible.

"How often do you talk?" Kurt was mad.

"Oh my God, hey Kurt! I didn't recognize you, you're wearing boy clothes for once."  I just stood there looking shocked. Why was he being so rude? The Latina stood up.

"Listen up twink, I think it's time I show you and your little girlfriend some Lima Heights hospitality." I flinched at her words, and stepped behind Sebastian, as a frown spread across his face. 

"Unless you wanna join your relatives in prison, that's probably not the best idea. You see, my dad is sort of what you call a states attorney, but if you wanted a piñata delivered, I bet he could make sure that got to them. And if you even think of laying a finger on Amy, I will personally make sure you'll be spending so much time in prison, you'll forget what a Walmart looks like." I looked down at the ground, feeling insanely guilty. "Okay so here's what you guys should know, I'm captain of the Warblers now, and I'm tired of being nice." 

He then wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me out of the coffee shop with him.  The second we got out, I grabbed his hand and threw it off of me.

"What was that?" I spat at him, and he took a step back, shocked at my sudden aggressiveness.


"You were such a jerk back there! And you stole their songs." 

"Yeah so? I'm not a nice person, Amelia. When did you think I was?" I groaned.

"You know what? I'm going to apologize." I spun around, and started walking back in.

"Amelia, we have to get back to Dalton, come on." He pressed, and I crossed my arms.

"Then go, if you're such a bad person, then leave. I'll walk." And with that, I turned back around and walked into the building. I made my way back to the table that the New Directions were sat at. They all looked up, and everyone (except Blaine) shot me a glare,

"Come to gloat?" The Latina asked. I sighed.

"The opposite actually. I'm sorry for what Seb said, I've never seen him like that." Kurt looked genuinely surprised at my apology, as did the others.

"Thank you Amelia. That's very kind of you." The brunette said. "I'm Rachel, that's Santana." She pointed at the Latina. "And that's Artie." She pointed at the guy in the wheelchair.

"Nice to meet you all. You guys are really good." I smiled, and Artie shook his head.

"Not as good as you." I tilted my head at his words. "Your last performance is on the internet, where'd you learn to dance like that?" My head lowered.

"Sebastian taught me." I mumbled, and their faces contorted.

"Why are you even friends with him anyways?" Santana stopped. "Is he more than a friend?" A blush covered my face.

"Oh no nonononono. Seb is just a friend. A gay friend at that. And I had no idea that he could be so mean." Blaine's features softened.

"Hey, you didn't know, maybe he's just being competitive. Don't give up on him just yet, he seems to really like you." My shoulders shrugged.

"I guess." I sighed. "Anyways, I have to get back to Dalton, good luck at Sectionals." I waved and turned back to the door. I walked outside to fine Sebastian waiting for me.

"I thought you went to Dalton." I said quietly, and he shrugged.

"I wouldn't leave you here. Now come one, let's get back." His tone was soft, but caring. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back.

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