Chapter 13

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The first day went by fast after that, I still needed some space from Sebastian at the moment, so I stayed quiet, but the next day I found myself knocking at his dorm door with his favorite coffee. He opened the door, looking tired, but his features immediately brightened when he saw it was me. I raised the coffee and waved the cup a bit.

"I got your favorite, as an 'I'm sorry for ditching you' present." I told him, and he smiled, leaning down and kissing my cheek.

"You're amazing, ma chérie." He mumbled against my face. He took the coffee out of my hand and pulled me by the waist into his room. I looked around at the empty room, it looking different than it did last year.

"Where's Nick?" I asked, and Sebastian looked at me cautiously.

"Nick isn't my roommate this year, Ames." I was about to ask who it was then, but the answer came out of the bathroom shirtless.

"Who was at the door?" Hunter asked, not having seen me yet as he was drying his hair. He looked up and a smirk graced his face yet again. "Amelia, of course." I didn't have a chance to respond as Sebastian took that time to put his coffee down on the night stand, then grab me pulling me onto his bed. I squeaked as we fell backwards, me landing on top of him, and I tried to roll off, but he only held me tighter.

"Nope." I spoke into my hair. "No moving. Just cuddling." I giggled at his cuteness, Hunter's presence seeming to fade in comparison.

"Seb, mon amour, nous devons partir (my love, we have to go)." I told him and he shook his head.

"Non." He argued.

"I'm going to throw up, speak English." Hunter pretended to gag, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." Sebastian gave in, pulling me up, and I sighed. "What class do you have first, Ames?"

"History with Brenner, you?" I asked, and he smiled.

"Same, let me see your schedule." I pulled the folded up piece of my bag and handed it to him. He carefully unfolded it, glancing through it. "We have 1st, 4th, Lunch, and 7th together. That means we can walk to Warblers practice together." I smiled up at him, and he handed me my schedule. He grabbed his coffee, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Is it gonna be like this every morning?" Hunter nagged, and Sebastian smirked at him.

"You bet."


Before I knew it, the day had ended, and Sebastian and I found ourselves walking to Warbler practice, his arm protectively slung around my waist. We chatted, happy that this time we wouldn't have teachers shushing us the whole time. We arrived at the choir room, the Warblers goofing around as usual, and Sebastian and I took our usual spot on the couch. Hunter made his way to the front of the room, and the room slowly fell into silence.

"Alright, let's get something straight. If we're going to get a leg up on the competition, this is the year to do it. The New Directions lost some of their most powerful voices this year to graduation, and they are in a state of weakness. Now is the time to push ourselves even harder than before and get them when they're at their weakest. I want no slacking. Now it's to my understanding that last year your leads were Sebastian and Amelia." Sebastian looked down at me and smiled.

"That's right. Amy and I are one heck of a team." He told Hunter, and I blushed. "She can dance like nobody's business.

"I've seen the videos, and I doubt we wanna lose the power duo. You two need to be practicing nonstop, I need confidence, I need sexy, I need chemistry." Sebastian grinned at him.

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