Chapter 8

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Evie enters Carlos' room to give him his breakfast. When she opened the door, she stopped and gasped with shock at what she saw. The room was... clean. The floors were swept. The walls were washed. The furniture was dusted. The cobwebs have been reduced to just two.

"Wow," she said with awe.

Carlos was currently lying on the couch, holding a feather duster. Evie places the breakfast tray on the table before waking up her friend.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty. Wake up," she said.

Carlos moans as he opens his eyes. "Save that for the princess' daughter, will you?"

Evie just smiled and laughed.

"What happened here?" asked Evie. "Last night, this room was just as dusty as the entire castle, but now..."

"I did a bit of spring cleaning," said Carlos.

"Overnight?" asked Evie.

"I couldn't sleep," said Carlos.

"Nightmares?" guessed Evie.

"What else," replied Carlos.

"When did you finish?" asked Evie.

"3 A.M.," answered Carlos.

"You cleaned the entire room in just six hours?" Evie sounded surprised.

"I recorded some of the music from the Auradon Channel and used them to keep me up," said Carlos.

"Too bad mom won't get to see this," said Evie. "As far as she's concerned, you're sleeping in the basement."

"Thanks, Evie," said Carlos.

"Is that gratitude?" asked Evie.

"I know it's not villain of me, but I really wanted to say it," said Carlos.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your stay," said Evie.

"Hey, I forgot. There's something I want to show you," said Carlos.

Carlos picks up something from the wagon and shows it to Evie. It was a little music box with a glass case on top of it. Inside the glass case is a colored wooden carving. Evie gasped with delight at what, or more specifically, who the carving was designed after. It was her, wearing a beautiful blue dress and a tiara.

"It's beautiful," said Evie. "Guess this explains the art materials you asked me to get you."

"That's not even the best part," said Carlos.

After making a few tweaks, Carlos turns it on. The music box started playing soothing music as the carving of Evie started spinning, as if it was dancing. Evie was completely mesmerized by this.

"You like it?" asked Carlos.

"Are you kidding? I love it," said Evie with a smile. "You're quite the tinkerer, Mr. De Vil."

"I'm no descendant of Tinker Bell, but I do have skills," bragged Carlos.

"Can I have it?" asked Evie.

"I made it for you," said Carlos. "Consider it an early birthday present."

Carlos gives the music box to Evie.

"Best. Present. Ever," said Evie, unable to stop smiling.

"Wanna bet I can top it next year?" asked Carlos.

"And if you can't?" asked Evie.

"I'll be your personal servant for an entire year," said Carlos.

"You're on," said Evie. "Hope you like shining my shoes. I got dozens of pairs."

"Yet, you wear the same heels every day," said Carlos.

"They're my favorite," said Evie. "I don't really have a reason to wear anything else. But now that I'm going finally going to school, I do now."

"Wait, Dragon Hall approved your application?" asked Carlos, shocked.

"I start school in one week," said Evie, smiling.

The two villain kids started cheering. They were both so happy that they ended up hugging each other. Catching themselves, they quickly retreated. They avoided eye contact with each other and coughed nervously.

"Well, uh, that happened," said Carlos.

Evie gently punches Carlos in the arm.

"Guess we'll be study buddies after all," said Evie.

"So, I can leave next week?" asked Carlos.

"I did say I'd let you go on my first day," said Evie. "But we'll sting hang out, right?"

"Like I said, you're the only friend this guy has," said Carlos.

"And you're the only friend this girl has," said Evie.

"Given your rotten behavior and unique taste in clothes, I'm sure you can make more friends," said Carlos.

"But you'll always be my best friend," said Evie.

Carlos blushes as he scratches the back of his hair.

"You're cute when you do that," said Evie.

"Do what?" asked Carlos.

"Turn red," answered Evie.

"It's just warm in here," Carlos lied, fanning himself with his hand.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," replied Evie teasingly.

Carlos throws a soft punch on Evie's shoulder, trying to ignore the strange feeling in his heart. Evie responds by poking Carlos' stomach playfully, tickling him and causing him to blush again.

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