Chapter 12

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After Mal survived the scepter's curse, she and Evie settle their personal issues with each other with words. They have become friends, in a way. The four villain kids returned to their parents to be met with disappointment.

Evie left her castle to see Carlos. He had just exited Hell Hall. She quickly walked towards him.

Carlos sees Evie coming towards him. Before he can say a word, she puts her hand behind his head and pulls him closer until his lips came into contact with hers. He pulled away, but Evie pulled him closer again, their lips touching each other again. This time, Carlos didn't pull away. He kissed her back. He doesn't know why, but something inside him was telling him to.

After the kiss, Carlos asks Evie a simple question.

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Because I love you," said Evie with a big smile and a sparkle in her eyes.

"And I'm assuming this isn't the kind of love you show to a friend," said Carlos, feeling a little scared about what Evie's words mean.

"You assumed right," said Evie. "It's true love."

"And how would you know what true love is?" asked Carlos.

"The way my heart beats every time I look at, think about, and get close to you," answered Evie.

"So, this explains the kiss months ago," said Carlos.

"What about you?" asked Evie. "I kissed you and you kissed me back. Surely, that has to mean some..."

Carlos cuts off Evie by kissing her again. The daughter of Evil Queen didn't even think for a second to retreat. She just deepened the kiss.

"I love you, too," said Carlos.

Evie smiled before kissing him again. They were interrupted when they heard kids nearby saying "ew". Evie strikes them with an evil glare with a hand on her hip, scaring them away.

"Scaring kids. You're really rotten to the core," said Carlos, complimenting her.

"You're such a wicked gentleman," said Evie with a smile. She grabs both his cheeks and playfully shakes his face.

 She grabs both his cheeks and playfully shakes his face

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Carlos' smile dropped as soon as she stopped.

"Why are you telling me now?" asked Carlos.

Evie stares at his eyes for a long time before speaking. "We almost did it. We could've been free from this island, but we failed to see it through."

"You do realize that our success requires you to sleep for a 100 years, right?" said Carlos.

"True love's kiss breaks a sleeping curse, right? I think you would've saved me," said Evie.

Carlos smiled at the thought.

"We're still here, Carlos," continued Evie. "We're still trapped here. We're still living with our parents, who do nothing but repeatedly express their disappointment at us. But we both have something that keeps up happy. We have each other."

Carlos' smile turned into a grin.

"If I'm gonna be trapped on the Isle of the Lost forever, I wanna be trapped here forever with you," said Evie.

"But I thought you wanted a prince," said Carlos.

"I thought so to, but then I met you," said Evie. "You helped me realize that I don't need a prince to be happy. You make me happy. I love you and I want to be with you for as long as I live."

"Are you sure?" asked Carlos.

"100%," answered Evie. "All you need now is an engagement ring."

"Wait, you want to get married?" asked Carlos, surprised.

"I think I've made it clear who I choose to spend my entire life with," said Evie.

"You think we can do this?" asked Carlos.

Evie gives Carlos another kiss on the lips. The boy was both stunned and blushing.

"I think we can," said Evie.

Carlos grabs Evie's arm and pulls her towards an alley, away from unsuspecting eyes.

"What are we doing here?" asked Evie.

"You want to get married? Then good thing I made a little something," said Carlos.

He gets down on one knee as he reaches into his pocket, taking out a beautiful diamond ring.

He gets down on one knee as he reaches into his pocket, taking out a beautiful diamond ring

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Evie gasps with shock as she felt her heart beat out of control.

"Evie, daughter of Evil Queen, a flower among villain kids, The Fairest Of Them All, will you do the honor of making me the happiest man in the world?" He proposed.

Evie started breathing in and out at a rapid rate as her smile widened within each passing second.

"Yes. Yes. Yes!" Evie answered.

Carlos takes hold of Evie's hand and slips the ring on her finger. Evie pulls Carlos up and kisses him passionately. Carlos kissed back with intensity.

Evie kissed so fiercely that she ended up pushing Carlos towards a wall. It didn't bother him. He was too happy to mind any kind of pain.

The most beautiful girl on the Isle of the Lost is going to be his wife.

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