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(Y/N) P.O.V
It's been three days now, and I'm finally discharged! I was at home, catching up on all the homework I missed. Ugh! As I was doing my homework, someone knocked on my door. I looked over.

(Y/N):" What are you doing here?"

Jungkook:" My parents came over. They told me to check up on you."

(Y/N):" Oh. Well I'm good, you can go now."

He scoffed. He walked towards me, and grabbed my wrist.

Jungkook:" You think that they'll let me go down there alone? You have to come with me, idiot!"

He was about to drag me out of my room, so I sat on the floor. He looked at me, annoyed. He crossed his arms.

Jungkook:" You're such a kid."

He scoffed.

(Y/N):" I have a lot of homework to do! So go away!"

He just stood there.

Jungkook:" It's not my fault that you just stood there and let the car hit you! If you didn't, you wouldn't be in the hospital, and have this much homework!"

(Y/N):" Maybe I did want the car to hit me!"

Silence then filled the room. I looked away.

(Y/N):" Just leave. Tell them I'm doing fine."

I stood up, but then he carried me over his shoulder.

(Y/N):" Yah! Are you crazy?!"

I hit his head. He stopped in his tracks.

Jungkook:" You really love hurting me, don't you?"

He then started to walk down the stairs and into the living room. Once we got in, I hear both of our parents gasps.

Jungkook:" We were-uhm-playing a game!"

Pffft! Game?

He put me down, and I quickly turned around to bow to his parents.

(Y/N):" Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jeon."

Mr.Jeon:" Please just call us Dad and Mom from now on."

I awkwardly smiled at them.

(Y/N):" Haha."

I nervously laughed. I looked over to my parents.

(Y/N):" Hi mom. Hi dad."

Dad:" Hello sweety!"

Just then, I noticed someone missing.

(Y/N):" Where's Taehyung?"

Mom:" He left to go meet up with some friends."

I looked over at Jungkook. Jungkook and Taehyung are also very good friends. And Jungkook not going with Taehyung to go meet up with their friends was quite a rare thing, since they were all pretty busy.

(Y/N):" You didn't go?"

Jungkook:" Why would I? I have a date with you!"

He smiled brightly at me. I knew that smile was fake.

(Y/N):" We're not going on a date."

Mom:" Yes you two are!"

My mom exclaimed. I looked over, and they were all smirking.

Mrs.Jeon:" We thought that a date with Jungkook would help you with the accident you were in. You need some fresh air!"

(Y/N):" But..what about my homework?"

Dad:" Don't worry! You can work on it tomorrow! Today is only Saturday."

I looked at him shocked. What?! Did my dad just tell me to do my homework tomorrow?! He's never done that.

(Y/N):" Bu-"

Mr.Jeon:" Just go have fun with Jungkook!"

Jungkook then dragged me to the door.

(Y/N):" Wait!"

Jungkook:" What."

(Y/N):" Let me go grab something first."

I rushed upstairs to my room and grabbed my purse. Inside, I stuffed my homework in there. I ran back downstairs to put on my shoes.

Jungkook:" You good now?"

I nodded my head. We walked to his car. He didn't even mind to open the door for me! So I just opened the door for myself and got in. I put the seatbelt on. He turned on the engine. I looked over to him.

(Y/N):" Jungkook."

Jungkook:" What."

(Y/N):" Let's not go on a date."

Jungkook:" Sounds good. Then what do we do?"

(Y/N):" Just drop me off at a park, and you can go do your own thing. Later, just come pick me up."

Jungkook:" Sounds good! I had plans with Yein, anyways."

Oh my god! Can he stop mentioning her name?! I mean I'm happy to see him happy with her, but hearing her name roll off his tongue makes my blood boil.

(Y/N):" Yeah, whatever."

Jungkook then drove me to a park. He dropped me off, and said that he'll come pick me up around 9:00 p.m. I went to go find a picnic table, so I can sit and do my homework. When I found one, I sat down and took out my homework. I started to work on it.

~3:00 P.M~

My stomach growled, so I decided to go to the nearest cafe. Right as I entered, my eyes spotted a couple. It was no surprise to me that they were having the time of their life, taking to each other. I quickly went to go order a drink and a sandwich. Once I got my order, I needed to find a table. The only table available was the one next to the couple that I didn't want to see. I was tired of standing, so I just went ahead and sat there. I tried to cover my face, but she just had to call out my name.

???:" (Y/N)?!"

I looked over and faked a smile.

(Y/N):" Hello Yein."

She waved at me and smiled.

Yein:" Nice seeing you here!"

(Y/N):" Yeah! Me too!"

I faked another smile. She then clapped her hands.

Yein:" Wanna join me and Jungkook's date? I can call my brother over for you! "

I looked at her weirdly.

(Y/N):" No. I'm good! I'm kinda busy."

I then looked over to Jungkook, to only see him glaring at me. I gulped down hard. I decided to just do some of my homework, while eating. While doing so, I felt a pair of eyes on me from time to time. I didn't think much of it. After I got done eating, I packed my things and went to go throw my trash away. Jungkook and Yien were still in the cafe, talking. Just then, thousands of questions entered into my head. Did he tell her that we're going to get married?! What will happen if she finds out?! Multiple questions lingered in my head. I then walked back to the park, and finished doing my homework.

~9:30 p.m~

I was waiting for Jungkook. He's 30 minutes late! I waited just a bit more.

-1 hour later-

It was now 10:30 p.m. I decided to just walk home. This jerk! He forgot to pick me up! Ugh! I was going to walk home, until a car pulled up. I just ignored the car and kept on walking. Someone then got out of the car and grabbed my wrist. I quickly turned around, ready to punch whoever it was. Before I even took a good glance at that person, I punched them. They fell to the ground, and groaned.

???:" What the heck (Y/N)?!"

Wait, I know this voice.

This Relationship | BTS | Jeon Jung KookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz