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Jimin pulled me into a hallway, looking at me for answers. 

Jimin: "I'm your boyfriend?" 

I stayed silent. My hands clenched into fists and my heart beating out of fury. 

Jimin: "(Y/N)?"

I looked at him in the eyes. 

(Y/N): "It's..a long story."

Jimin: "Can you tell the story in three minutes?"

I took in a deep breath. 

(Y/N): "Jungkook...he's in love with Yein. After he found out about our arranged marriage, our relationship tore up. He goes on dates with Yein almost about everyday now. When I told him about having dinner with you, Yein overheard and....yeah."

Jimin: "Does he have no dignity? What the actual heck?!"

I shrugged. He huffed and ran his hand through his hair. 


As soon as they both left, I looked over at Yein. 

Jungkook: "Really?"

Yein: "What?"

Jungkook: "You asked if he was her boyfriend."

Yein: "I was just asking. You did say that we're having dinner with her new boyfriend."

Jungkook: "Well-Yeah-I mean-ugh."

Yein looked at him a bit oddly. 

Yein: "Can I not make sure he is?"

I sighed, taking a sip from my cup of water. As I set the cup down, a young women came to our table. She had on a black dress that fit her perfectly. Her gold necklace hanging down from her neck, the letter 'J' as a pendant. She was holding onto a white and gold purse, her black heels adding two inches into her height. She looked at me and smiled. 

???: "You must be Jungkook and (Y/N). Nice to meet you two."

The lady extended a hand out. What?

(Y/N) P.O.V

(Y/N): "Can you just play along?"

He shook his head. My eyebrows crashed in confusion. 

Jimin: "I wanted to have dinner with you two because, I have a girlfriend that I wanted you both to meet.."


What do you guys think? I know, I know, I  haven't updated in ages! This chapter is really short, but I promise to update again and make it much more longer. I hope you enjoyed this update! I'll promise to update soon! (and I mean it!) I wanted to try a new writing style..but I'm kinda iffy about it. Maybe I'll try to write a chapter with a different writing style, and you all can tell me if you want this writing style, or the new one. Thank You so much for reading! Muah! <3


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