Chapter 3

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Abigale needed to clean, at one point or another. Only problem was that it was similar to the water situation. She didn't need another drowning from Espeon unless of course Umbreon does it. She was sure that the Umbreon wanted to kill her. She had a friend now, but she never had one, so she was a bit worried. She could possibly end up as those arrogant Pokémon who use their 'friends' as tools. She imagined sitting on Azure with an evil face and a whip in her mouth. She forced the thought out of her head just before Azure came back.


"Hiya Abigale! I didn't realize you went here," she said, "Oh, this den is actually pretty nice if you ask me." She wandered around, fascinated by what Abigale personally thought was boring. She slid around the den observing the old knick knacks she collected."What is that?" She touched the pendant on Abigale's necklace.
"That's supposed to be my good luck charm, I'm not sure if it works though, good luck charms are often just proven to be more mythical stuff." Abigale saw something on Azure as well. She couldn't see it that well, but after a while of feeling for it, it grazed her paws. It was like a good luck charm as well. "You have one too, I see. Unless it's something else..."

She rolled out her den, accompanied by her friend. She may have rolled too far down because she could sense a disaster. Not a natural disaster like usual, but one that involves Umbreon. Just as she thought, there he was. That psychopath they called an Umbreon. For whatever reason, he backed away instead. She took a look at Azure. So that's why. Umbreon gave her another threat, whether Azure was there or not.
"Maybe this fat bunny's protecting you now, but you just wait..." Umbreon creeped away and disappeared from sight. Azure just blinked. Abigale just shivered.


Now that Umbreon said it, Abigale did not want Azure leaving her. For some reason she lost all self-esteem. She felt like she relied on Azure now; all because Umbreon will destroy her when they're alone. She saw Azure walk away. She quickly  rolled back to her own home, looking back practically every time she rolled the wheels. She looked out the window. The light from the sunset shone through it creating a patch of light of the floor. The first patch of light she had seen in ages. She watched as the sun dust floated around. She just realized. It was night and Azure was gone!

Abigale just couldn't fall asleep layer that evening. She looked out the door. It was all blanketed in darkness. She all of a sudden felt helpless. She wanted Azure back really badly. She cried loudly but then saw yellow glowing rings and a pair of endearing red eyes. Oh no.

~457 words


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