Chapter 9

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Abigale awoke with a settling feeling when she noticed she was in Azure's den.

"Abigale, you blacked out again," Azure whispered. Umbreon was watching through through the window, just like Espeon had. They noticed, but ignored.

They silently sat there simply watching the movements of each other.

"I don't know how you did it, Abigale. On an empty stomach and in critical condition..." Azure glanced at Abigale's visible dark blue ribs.

"I don't know how you did it. How did you always get your timing right? How did you get that keystone? And... why, did you save me months ago...?"

"I don't know about the timing, and I don't remember the keystone, it was just my good luck charm you saw months ago, but I know exactly why I rescued you that day. I pitied you. Everyone would beat you up and chase you away. I live in that village... and, I wanted you to feel better about yourself, so I hopped into your life and made it light up..."

Moments of more silence followed the conversation.

"And Abigale..."

Umbreon's ears went up.

"I love you, Abigale."

Umbreon put his face on the window completely, cringed, and slid to the floor.

Abigale's face had tears trickling out her ruby-red and silver eyes with a hidden smile, just as hidden as she once was. It reminded her of the first time she got emotional. Meeting this blue, chubby rabbit months ago.

"I love you too, Azure, me too."

Abigale shut her eyes quickly without another word. Her smile disappeared again. Azure stepped out the house letting the Absol sleep. Umbreon went back to the village, as did Azure.

Days flew by like the Swellow that had caught Abigale. Abigale stood asleep though.

Azure scurried to the house, being tailgated by Umbreon again. When she closed the door, Umbreon rested his paws on the window while watching--again.

"Abigale, wake up. Nobody sleeps for this many days unless it's winter, and Absol don't hibernate either way!" Azure watched the summer clouds float around and looked back at Abigale who was still out cold.

"Abigaaaaale! Wake up! WAKE UP!"

Azure moved closer and raised a shaky paw, Umbreon still observing intensely.


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