Chapter 13

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"Are you crazy, Umbreon!? I-I'm not attacking the guards!" Azure stood in place and Umbreon got into a battle stance when the Bisharp guards moved closer to them.

"Do this for me, Azure..."

Azure found herself in a battle stance as well, making the guards attack. One Iron Head got Azure, and one Close Combat got Umbreon. Gardevoir came in to be shocked.

"Umbreon... Azure!?" She also screamed at the sight of the broken wall. She saw the guards holding the two. "I thought I could trust Umbreon. And Azure too." She let her head hang and weakly pointed to a cell, and they were dropped in. Not even the loud sound of the iron door slamming could startle Azure nor Umbreon. Gardevoir teleported away and the guards marched to their original positions with their armor clanking up a noise.

Umbreon slowly opened his eyes to the smell of iron. He looked sideways to see Azure. He examined the whole place, which made his ears shoot up.

"Azure," he whispered, giving her a slight nudge.

"What is it," she replied, her eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes," he looked a bit more, "they've isolated us from others!"

"Because of you! You're the one who crashed into the wall, and you're the one who wanted to fight them!"

"You did a stance too, and you followed me you pinhead!"

"I didn't know you'd do that," Azure turned away whimpering; then sobbing.

Umbreon raised his paw and then rested it on Azure, "Why are you crying?"

She sniffled and pushed his fuzzy arm away, "Because we wouldn't be here if, if," she just continued sobbing. Umbreon pet her head, making her stop a little. He pulled out his nail. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna pop this cell open faster than a jolteon running a relay race!" He whispered a little quieter.

Azure gave herself a facepalm. "I like the positive attitude, but you can't pop this cell for many reasons. Most of them being physics and logic. Also, your nails can't do that."

Umbreon's ears flopped down. He started looking for a patch of dirt to dig through.

"Are you done, brainiac?"

Umbreon ignored and tried to pick at the lock from the inside.

"Stop being so headstrong! We're stuck! And the guards are gonna see you doing that!"

"And you shouldn't give up. Try using Water Gun--on the bars."

Azure shot out a blast of water, and to her amusement, nothing happened.

"Now give up, we're stuck!"

"We're stuck with each other though," Umbreon slowly said with a smirk.

Azure slapped Umbreon hard and scanned the room. "Oh!"

"What is it," asked Umbreon.

"You see that? An exit!" She pointed to a large opening conveniently created by the crash.

"You hypocrite."

"Quit hating."

"How do we get up there? We are all the way down here and there are guards everywhere!"

"Wait until it's night!"

Umbreon groaned. "I'm awake all night, there are guards that work a night shift!"

"Forget the guards, I'll use Hydro Pump and from there we will climb through and run like the wind. But before any of that, use Substitute,"

Azure assured him. "You know the rule, ladies first."

He nodded and watched as Azure left a doll behind and jetted a huge blast of water from her mouth and dangled from the torn sheet of metal. She climbed up.

"What about me? How do I get up? You said we not you!"

"You can't use Hydro Pump so you might as well climb the walls, aren't you a cat?"

Umbreon leaped, forcing his claws into the wall. He climbed up, forgetting to place a substitute until the guard saw his ovoid tail hanging.

The Bisharp opened the cell and grabbed Umbreon, dragged him off the wall, and locked it again. Another Bisharp came over.

"There's a hole, in the cell. The Umbreon tried to escape. And Azure already did!" One said.

"I'll have it fixed; and don't think we won't get that Azumarill back. Grab the Umbreon first."

Umbreon was held hostage for 30 minutes while the hole was closed. He watched as the hole was put together little by little and a frown pulled his lips.

Azure rolled to the other side of the castle and hopped down before pounding fiercely on the door. She screamed, "You had one job, Azure!  One job!" She stopped pounding but started crying. She looked up at the dark sky and watched the stars dance around the moon. She saw an asteroid. "A shooting star," she whispered, wiping her tears away and made a wish.

"I wish, that this would all rewind, and Abigale would still be out there living a life," she cringed at the word Abigale.

A bright green light flickered in the sky teasing her. "Huh?" Suddenly a portion of the sky turned green and the trees pulled back, giving way to a cove topped with moss. A round waterfall released water at a quick rate. A door was revealed and it slowly rolled to the side.

"Might as well." She stepped into the suddenly appeared cove to see a small fairy-like Pokémon with antennae. It floated with its small wings and had blue eyes. Celebi... "Are you who I think you might be?"

The small Pokémon pulled her hair back and landed on her even smaller feet. "It is I. The one and only Celebi. The time traveler. Usually Jirachi should be granting your wishes but I'm feeling generous today."

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