Chapter 4

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Abigale shut up and watched as the yellow rings moved all at once, closer to her. She quickly rolled towards Azure's den and pounded on the door loudly as the rings drew closer. Azure opened just in time for the rings to bounce off the grass and into the door, leaving a small pile of dirt behind.
"Abigale!?" Azure said.
"JUST KEEP THE DOOR CLOSED!!!" Abigale screamed back. She sounded like someone was going to kill her, which was actually pretty true. Azure nodding slowly as she kept a distance and watched the rings as they moved away slowly. "Umbreon was about to get meeeee!" Abigale was squealing, which wasn't normal since she'd usually be at least a bit braver than that. She felt Azure's silky fur meet her own as she received an unexpected, but needed hug from her. She fell asleep on the soft carpet that complimented the already dapper looking residence.

Abigale woke up alone again but easily exited. She still had the blood streak on her fur, and still had a large cut on her underside. She was done. She had to find at least a pond of water today. She rolled out Azure's den and thought.


She sprang off her wheelchair thinking she was ready. She screamed afterwards as her face filled with tears. Maybe she wasn't so ready. She was stung with pain each time she tried to move, and had to lay there. She was still screaming and watering the grass with her tears.

She saw Umbreon, but not too greatly. She had already become part blind, and her vision was blurry with tears. He jumped at her but was hit with a strong blast of water. Azure had the best timing ever. She carried her back to the den, which was only a yard away, taking the wheelchair with her.


"So what have you learned today?" She said, amusement on her face. Abigale felt stupid.
"That it's not the time to get off," she said quietly, a hint of regret in her tone.
"Yes, I also have to tell you something," Abigale listened closely, "I'm going to be gone for a very long time. Possibly a month. My family needs help with disaster recovery, they were hit by a tornado recently." Abigale looked as if she was hit by an Ice Beam. Her only friend was going to be gone for a solid 31 days!? 31 days of being in critical danger!? And they just met!? She slumped in the wheelchair as she said bye. She grabbed Azure's arm. "Uh, I said bye!"
"No! You can't leave now! What's so important!?"
"Hello!? My family was affected by a natural disaster! Something you could have been predicting." She looked at Abigale's horn. Abigale slowly let go and watched as her only friend disappeared out the door and into the grass. She touched her charm, and rolled back for the search.

There were Tailow soaring overhead. She found a small puddle, It was really shallow, and it just wouldn't do. She passed it and rolled once more. More and more puddles painted the grass, each one larger than its predecessor. She found a large river afterwards.

"Relief," she said taking a sigh easily. "All to myself as well." She grabbed some moss off a rock, which originally Evolved Eevee until she had pulled the green, damp material off. She scavenged and gathered many small sticks, some rope she took with her, and made it into a bowl of some sort. She finished it off with the moss, using it as a blanket. It was a must-have item for adventuring for the way it was so resistant to water.

She dipped it in the pond, giving it a blue tint.

She pulled it back out and dumped it on herself. The wheelchair wouldn't be affected, so she didn't worry about that. She repeated the process multiple times, the wheelchair getting no weaker. The blood streak lingered a bit, but the dirt was everything but present. She dipped it in one last time and took a sip. She started moving towards the village again.


She saw Umbreon again. He was conversating with 4 Swellow. Abigale was always curious, but this time she really didn't even want to imagine what they were saying. More plots to get me? She thought. She really wanted to get back to her den, but for some reason it just didn't seem like the time. She checked Azure's den instead. It felt right to be near it, knowing her friend was on hiatus though they just met. She was still cautious and afraid, not like she was ever brave, but she needed some time to just observe and stuff. An Espeon was watching through the window that perked up the door. The same oneAbigale hadn't seemed to notice, because she just continued sticking her snout in every nook and cranny of the Azumarill's house. She stared at the patch of light that shone from the glass circle. It reminded her of her own den, a place she wouldn't visit too often anymore. She just wanted to take the blue rabbit's place for a while. Just a month.

She noticed the Espeon watching her. Her face looked blank and she blinked slowly before trotting in the direction of the village. Abigale hesitantly opened the small semicircle shaped wooden door and exited, her eyes focused on the village once more. She saw the Espeon talking to the same 4 Swellow, and Umbreon. A chill ran down her spine as her mind filled with worry. The fact that it was inaudible from her distance made it even more so. The Espeon looked at her and back at the other five.

The other five looked at her and back at Espeon, but Umbreon was still looking. He said something, but that was inaudible too. He had a cunning look on his face. He turned back. Abigale moved backwards to make sure no surprises happened when her back was turned.Abigale found some more bamboo rods, more string, and plenty of inspiration and usefulness. She tied it all together and nodded. They were crutches, but for quadruped Pokémon. They were made up of two bipedal crutches, only smaller. She slowly stepped off the wheelchair trying not to make the same mistake as last time. She adjusted to the crutches.

She didn't seem part blind anymore, so she could say she was improving a lot. She danced towards a berry tree and pulled the round fruits it was decorated with and bit into one. It was juicy--especially because it covered her face in juice--and sweet at the same time. She finished all the gathered berries and left the rest for supper--and breakfast--and lunch too--and the next supper and so on. They were Oran Berries meaning they should make wounds feel better. They tasted good too. Similar to that of an apple in many ways.

The sun was lowering as the moon began making its way up. Oh, I skipped lunch! She still didn't want to go back yet for some reason regardless. She spent the whole time feasting on Oran Berries until the land was once again tucked in bed with a dark blanket. She heard the flapping of wings, but was sure she was hearing things. Paranoid, she began gingerly walking to the den until the flapping got louder and suddenly stopped. She stopped too. She slowly turned around and saw the same 4 Swellow. Two of them flew towards her and held her in place. She tried using Night Slash multiple times but each one missed. She didn't dare scream because that's why Umbreon tried getting her. She hissed instead, and one Swellow bit her. Now she screamed, but silenced quickly as the illuminated cat sprang out and darted her direction. The two other Swellow just waited.

She continued to try and move but kept miserably failing. Umbreon reached her.
"Well, Abigale, got caught by a few birdies?" He growled. Umbreon and the two Swellow giggled. "Now, Swellow!" The lead Swellow, which had a necklace that had a pouch containing the dust that was gathered from users of Sleep Powder, took a step closer. The other one used Gust, blowing the dust in Abigale direction. She shook her fur, but her movement slowed. The Swellow let go because she wouldn't move anyway. Her eyes shut and she fell on the floor, with her crutches.

1,363 words
The longest chapter by far XD. I don't know why this chapter got so long so quickly, but I'm proud

Also what will happen to our little Absol? Who knows ;)

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