Chapter 8

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Abigale was escorted to the village. Her friend decided to watch. After an hour of waiting, The Disaster Pokémon was ready to challenge the Armor Pokémon.
"Alright, 3, 2, 1......."
Abigale looked back at Azure one last time before the shout of the Dragon Pokémon startled her causing her to look back at the towering Tyranitar she'd face.

She heard the sounds of cheering fly through the air and out, then back in over and over again. She looked towards the audience and finally he glowed a brilliant pink as the light of a Dazzling Gleam hit Tyranitar. He roared in fury, scaring the audience. He went in for Stone Edge, but the pointy stones barely touched the quadruped. She used Horn Leech on him dealing more damage. Finally Tyranitar landed a hit with Iron Claw causing her to smash onto the floor. She stood up but was a bit too slow when she leaped into the air, since Tyranitar used the momentum of the enemy being airborne to use another Iron Claw, sending her back onto the dirt ground. Her necklace's faded jade pendant cracked in half, but resisted breaking completely.

She noticed something sparking inside of the pendant. She cracked it open entirely and it revealed a small white stone. The stone had a grey and dark blue sigil embedded into it. Tyranitar stared blankly at it. The audience gasped for many seconds, but Azure seemed the most surprised.

"A-Abigale! That's an Absolite right there!" She said opening the barricade gates. Tyranitar didn't make a move, just watching his opponent.

"It wouldn't be too useful anyways, no need for the hype..." Abigale said, not extremely amused by the discovery, "You need a keystone to use it."

"But you don't get it, I have a keystone! Like, right here!" Azure revealed a very petite, rainbow colored stone with the same sigil present in it dangling as a charm. Azure seemed too excited to notice that Abigale talked and thought normally again.

"Where did you get that? And why hadn't I noticed until now?"

"I've had it for years. So long, I can't exactly recall how exactly it ended up with me. But I could use it!"

Azure pressed the keystone causing it to shine in a beautiful variety of colors. The Absolite was shining as well. The audience and Tyranitar continued observing. After a matter of seconds, Abigale was shining white as well. Small stones began levitating and Abigale's shape gradually changed. Her horn got thicker and grew in the sigil shape her stone featured. Wings sprouted out and more before Abigale stopped glowing.

"Say hello to, Mega Abigale!" She said, hopping into the air and using a Dazzling Gleam once more. Tyranitar was startled and used Vacuum Wave yet missed. After many hits, and misses, Tyranitar tipped over, his crash making a hole in the flat ground. Abigale looked around skimming the crowd. She flinched when the whole crowd started cheering, louder than any other crowd could ever cheer.

She looked puzzled at why everyone was going crazy, even if the answer slapped her in the face. Azure didn't cheer, instead she used Waterfall to come down, give her a hyge hug, and squeal. It was only then that Abigale smiled. King and Queen Gallade and Gardevoir exchanged hidden smiles and looked back.

"You're the first to ever beat Tyranitar, Abigale!"

It seemed like a smile disease was spreading since everyone--even Salamence, who never did so in his life, had the happy expression all over their faces.

The crowd continued its cheering, but Abigale didn't hear them anymore though as she reverted to her normal form. Her smile faded and her eyes closed.

She collapsed, being caught by Azure. The crowd stopped their noise making, and all the smiles flipped upside down. King and Queen Gallade and Gardevoir put their hands around each other's backs and watched as the Aqua Rabbit dragged the Disaster Pokémon to her den. Umbreon following curiously.

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