26 • Author's Final Note

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Okay so.
This story is very.
I'm so sorry about that, but I have a much better story planned out.
I'm actually working on the planning and all right now, and the first chapter should be released within a month.
So for the next month, enjoy re-reading this mess of an unorganized story haha.
I can't believe it took a year to finish this, but I actually had fun writing it.
So hopefully the next story is a bit better.

Hint: the next story has no correlation with this story and is also another original BL/yaoi/gay love story.
Because I'm gay and that's all I write about.

Anyways, thank you all so much for sticking around and reading this, even if it wasn't all that great!
I hope the ending wasn't too quick or meh, but I'm sure it is whoops lol.

Till next story!
-ToxicGhostBoi (Ghost)

A teaser has been uploaded for my next BL/Yaoi story. The first chapter will be released September 3rd.

Edit: I had extended the release to September 5th for my new story, but the first chapter is finally out! Go check out my new story Devotee.

And I can't stress this enough, this story is over. And I was unsatisfied so I made a better constructed BL/Yaoi story. Better quality and new so, check out Devotee.

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