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It happened merely eight minutes ago, by accident.

I was standing by my front door, putting my boots on to leave to go grocery shopping when it happened.

The book fell of the shelf, I don't know how it fell, but it fell.

I walked over to it, leaving tiny traces of dirt from my boots on the carpet, and picked it up.

I thought nothing of it, so I just placed it on the shelf. But then I saw it, out of the corner of my eye, a single, tattered, Polaroid picture.

I don't know how I could have missed it. I had flipped through the journal hundreds of times. It was torn in the corner but it was beautiful. I stared at it, mostly at the eyes of the person in the picture; the sharp green eyes. I realized then, that it was Harry. Harry holding a baby.

I flipped the picture over, and it read:

Abby and Daddy on Abby's first day.

I closed my eyes and imagined the moment the picture was taken.


"Harry, hun, just take her." Charlotte said, a reassuring smile playing on her face.

"I'm scared I will break her though!She's so tiny." 

"You're not going to break her." Charlotte replied, laughing.

"Fine." He said, placing his arms out so that Charlotte could place the baby in his arms.

"How do I do this?" He asked.

"Make sure your arm is on her neck for support- yeah, yeah like that." She chuckled. "Perfect"

"She's so beautiful Char, she looks just like you." Harry said, looking down at sleeping newborn in his arms.

"She looks more like you, she has your eyes, and I can see a little dimple on her right cheek."

"Oh, yeah, I see it. If she grows up to look like me though, were going to have lots of boys knocking down our door."  He said.

"Let's not worry about that right now. She's only 3 hours old. Want to take a picture with her?"

"Of course."

Charlotte pulled out her little digital camera, and told Harry to smile. And he did, making the most beautiful smile in the world. And Charlotte smiled too, because the man she was in love with was holding their baby, and she couldn't have though of a better person to share her with.


I stared at the picture and took in every single detail. He was beautiful, Harry that is. He was everything I had made up in my head, but better. His green eyes were sharper and deeper than I had imagined, and his curly hair was denser and thicker than I had thought. His dimples and his smile made me feel all tingly inside. He was perfect. But the thing that was different from the man I had pictured in my head was that he was happy. He was truly happy, because he has everything he needed. He had a wonderful girlfriend who loved him so much, and a new baby girl who he loved too. You could see it in his eyes.

And now, I'm standing here, still in my living room with my muddy boots on and the picture in my hands, staring at it shyly. I almost feel silly, giddy like a teenage girl who just had her first kiss.

But I can't help it.

The phone rings and I can't help but be broken out of my trance.

"Hello?" I say

"Hi, is this Emma?" An older lady on the other line answers.

"Uh yes," I started, "Who is this?"

"It's your bank."

"Oh, um, hi,  uh, can I help you?" I stuttered.

"Yes, we would just like to inform you that your balance is now $8,097."

"Why would you call and tell me that?" I ask.

"Because you wanted us to call and let you know when you had enough money to go back to college, meaning that now, you can."

The picture which was pinched tightly in between my fingers now somehow found it's way floating to the ground.

"Are you serious! That's amazing!" I reply, almost screaming.

"Yes. I am serious."

"Thank you so much!" I say, hanging up too fast.

The quiet, still moment I had only minutes ago vanished into thin air as I pranced around my apartment and in a singsong voice said, "I'm FINALLY going back to college!! I'm going to NYU!"

AN- oh cause we all didn't see that one coming. Again I'm sorry this was short but uh I'm thinking of shortening the chapters a bit because I'm not a very good writer lol. JK [edited on 11.21.14 by @animalik] 

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