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There were honestly no words that were able to explain what I was feeling at that moment. When I saw Harry, almost every single emotion fell down onto of me like an eighty ton brick; Anger coursed through me when he ripped the journal out of my hands, butterflies flew all around inside me when our eyes met, and sadness overcame me when I watched him walk away.

Once he walked away, he only stopped to look back at me once. It was after I whispered his name, it was almost like he could have heard me. I know he didn't though, he was ten feet away. After that, he walked back into the cafe's kitchen and never came out. I would know, I waited for him to come out for forty-five minutes.

I sat and waited, slowly drinking my caramel latte. The cup never seemed to get empty. I waited and waited, but he never showed his face once again. I had come to the sad conclusion that he probably found a way to escape the cafe without having to face me, either that or he was still working. I hoped he was still working. After another fifteen minutes of waiting, I stood up, getting ready to leave. I wrapped my jacket around my shoulders again, and brought my forgotten dishes up to the counter.

"Uh" I started, "where do I put these"

"You can just give them to me"

I gave them to the lady working at cash and at the same time tried to sneak a look out back into the kitchen.

There he was. His back was turned to the front of the cash so I couldn't see his face, but even just seeing him brought an automatic smile to my face. I didn't know when or why I suddenly became so obsessed with him, but I was. I just stood there and stared for a few minutes. I eventually was asked to leave if all I was going to do was stand there, because I was holding up a line. So that's what I did, I left. I left the café, I left Harry, and I left my journal, which was no longer mine, not that it really was in the first place. The thought that I would have never been able to finish reading the journal suddenly popped into my head, making me a lot sadder and a whole lot angrier at myself for letting Harry take it from me.


"Where have you been?"

I almost walked back outside to the freezing cold when I remembered my new "friend" who had recently moved into (more like took over) my dorm room.

"I was out, what does it matter to you?" I asked, taking off my jacket and hanging it on a hanger.

I looked around and saw that Leah had unpacked most of her stuff and actually managed to fit it all in without using any of my closet space, or under my bed.

"It doesn't, just some guy came looking for you, and I didn't know what to tell him when he asked where you were. I really don't care about you or where you were." She crossed her arms, and rolled her eyes.


"Uh, no was it Devon"

"It was definitely Drew, I don't know a Devon"

"Oh my God, same thing. Anyway he told me to tell you to call him when you get back in. He said something about breakfast."

Not only was I annoyed by her because of her lack of friendliness, but I also was annoyed by her because of her lack of name memorization.

"I don't even have his number" I said, plopping down on my bed. I then noticed that my bed was made, and when I left it wasn't.

"Here, he wrote it down for you" She handed me a piece of paper with numbers scribbled down on it.

"Thanks" I mumbled, taking the paper. "Wait, did you make my bed?"

"Yeah, I felt kind of bad about what happened this morning; for forgetting your name, and for being so bossy. So I just decided to make your bed. Then I wrote you a little note" she walked over to my desk and pointed to a tiny pink slip of paper." it just says that I'm sorry, it's kind of silly really, there's no use in reading it."

"Well thank you" I smiled at her, "We did kind of get off on the wrong foot"

"Yeah, we did" she chuckled, "I'm not usually this, uh, prissy, I just thought that maybe my roommate would be a total bitch and that I would have to one up her, but you seem cool"

"I would like to think I am" I smiled again. "Would you like to start over?"

"Sure" she said, "I would like that."


After me and Leah talked for a bit (I found out she was studying to be a lawyer c00l), I called Drew.


"Yeah, hi, uh is this Emma"

"Yes. Hi. My roommate said you came to see me but I wasn't there so you told her to tell me to just call you, so I am calling you"


"Okay, how may I be of service to you?"

"I want to take you out to supper, but because I totally missed our breakfast date-"

"It wasn't a date, I barely know you"

"Okay, whatever, because I missed having breakfast with you, I decided to make it up to you by having supper breakfast"

"Breakfast for supper?"

"Precisely, I am coming to get you at 5pm, be ready"

"I'm not really feeling up to going out tonight."

"Aw, why not?"

"A lot happened today, I'm really exhausted, I have to be up early tomorrow because I volunteered to help set up for the admissions fair, and because I have orientations all afternoon"

"Oh, crap, I have orientations too. Thanks for reminding me"

"Ha-ha, no problem, have a great night"

"I will, and you too. And remember, I still have yet to see you eat breakfast."

"Bye Drew"

"Bye Emma"

I hung the phone up, placed it on my bed, and let out a long sigh.

"Is he your boyfriend" Leah asked eagerly.

"No, he's just a friend I made yesterday, the only friend I made yesterday"

"He seems to really like you" she said.


"What makes you say that?"

"No one's ever liked me, and no one probably ever will"


(okay for starters THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 10K READS IT MEANS SO MUCH AND THANK YOU FOR READING THIS AND VOTING AND COMMENTING BECAUSE THE STORY WAS RANKED #926 IN FANFICTION AND I KNOW THAT'S NOT A LOT BUT OUT OF THE 213432432 FANFICS OUT THERE IT'S A BIG DEAL TO ME anyway hi friends please don't hate me for not putting harry in this chapter. I know lots of you want him to be in the story and for them to just fall in love already but I don't want to rush it because I have lots planned and yeah. Also another thing, before anyone says anything (because I know they will), just because harry and emma are both going to college to become english majors and hopefully one day become writers does NOT mean I stole the idea from after, it just makes sense because harry writes and emma's a reader and a writer (oops spoiler)BTW HARRY WILL MAKE VERY MORE FREQUENT APPEARANCES IN THIS STORY VERY VERY MORE so keep reading Okay ily all and PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!! )

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