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(this chapter has a cliche begginning, and i hate chiches and im sorry but just please forgive me)


I couldn't tell if I was dreaming, or if I was awake.

"Em" I heard again, less faint then the last time. I was slowly waking up

"Em, turn that thing off" 

My eyes fluttered opened and I found myself drifting into consciousness. Leah was sitting up in her bed on the other side of the room, still half asleep.

"Turn what off?" I asked, still not fully aware of my surroundings.

"Your alarm, or whatever that beeping is"

Sure enough, my phone was blaring the iconic (not really) "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas, which was strange because I didn't remember a reason why I would need to have my alarm on. I turned it off and attempted to fall back asleep, but for some reason my body wouldn't let me, like I was supposed to be awake.

"Em, why are you going back to sleep. I'm pretty sure I overheard you saying something to Max about you volunteering for the admissions fair this morning"

Ding ding, we have our answer.

The admissions fair, of course. Remind me again why I signed up for that.

I groaned, everything in my body was just screaming for me to go back to sleep. It was only 8 am for god's sake. But, I forced myself out of bed because I made a commitment and I needed to do this, and who knows, it might actually be fun.


Within seven minutes I was ready, I had taken a shower the night before so I was lucky enough to not have to worry about making time for it. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, my boots, and a t-shirt, not that it mattered which shirt I wore, because I would be wearing a jacket the whole time. I swiped some mascara on my eyelashes, and grabbed my purse.

"Bye Leah" I whispered, trying my best to exit the dorm room without waking her up.


I slipped out of the dorm room without making much noise. Much. I ended up slamming the door, and the only thing I thought of was Leah waking up. I totally forgot about the other 50 girls who were probably trying to sleep on the same floor as me. 

I finally managed to make it out of the building without waking anyone up, I think. I pulled out my phone and checked the time, it was only 8:10, the volunteer meeting for the admissions fair was at 8:45, outside in the freezing cold.

Why they had the admissions fair outside and not in the gymnasium was beyond me, and why they had an admissions fair half way through the school year also was up there in things I just cant explain. 

So while I waited for 8:45 to come rolling around, I found myself walking to the coffee shop, the same place I saw Harry. 

Ever since I saw him the day before, I couldn't get him out of my head, not that I couldn't before I met him, but it was different this time, I knew what he looked like. I didn't have to imagine anymore what he sounded like, ponder on how tall he was, or how curly his hair had gotten since the picture of him and Abby were taken. I knew it all now, it was easier to think about someone once you had seen in real life. But when I walked up to the cafe and found it closed, I felt a little disappointment, all I wanted to do was see him. I needed to see him. 

There was nothing I could do about it though, so I walked over to where the meeting was being held, and sat in the provided chairs along with the other six or seven who were there already.


The meeting was a half an hour long, and I was appointed to be a "Questionee", which is someone who stands there and try's their best to answer all the burning questions second semester students had. And so I stood there, for three hours, in the freezing cold, answering some pretty stupid questions.

"So, like, I'm supposed to be graduated from high school if I want to go to college?"



"I don't have to go to class right? Because I read somewhere that the professors don't care"

"You're paying a lot of money for college, you don't have to go, but it would be pretty stupid to waste all your money"


"Are you single?"



"Where can I buy free-range chicken around here?"

"I don't know!"

And by twelve in the afternoon, my shift was over. 


I gradually made my way back to the dorm. When I got there Leah was sitting at her desk on her laptop.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi, how'd it go?" she asked.

"It was fine, kinda boring, and cold"


"Have you had lunch yet?" I asked.

"Nope, why did you wanna go somewhere?"

"Sure, maybe we can invite Drew too"

"Okay, I wanted to spend some time in the city before school started"


So me, Leah, and Drew all took the subway and went to Times Square, and found a burger shop just down one of the streets. We stayed out till 8pm, doing extensive walking around, photo bombing strangers pictures, eating exotic foods even though we were all really full, and just enjoying our last day before classes started.

And even though we were just three friends, who had just met days ago, I felt like we had known each other forever. I felt I could tell them anything. And I could tell it was the start of two really good relationships.


(another authors note? wow what?? anyway yes i know this chapter is boring ish, but its just a filler!! also WOWAH 11k READS ALREADY AND ONLY 10 CHAPTERS???????????? 

another thing my fanfic keeps getting ranked and then unranked and the reason for this is because you guys aren't voting and commenting enough and i know that there are more than just 35 of you reading this story, so PLEASE VOTE IT LITERALLY TAKES 1 SECOND AND IF YOU WANT COMMENT SOMETHING EVEN 'I LIKED THIS CHAPTER" OR SOMETHING AHDSLKA ANYWAY ILY ALL THANK YOU FOR HELPING MY STORY GROW AS FAST AS ITS BEEN) 

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