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(dedicated to my new found internet friend tiffany because shes my friend, she lives in a cool place and she has the same name as my mom)

I found it hard to focus on anything for the last fifteen minutes of the class, especially Harry. My mind was racing, my heart was pounding, and a thousand different emotions buzzed through my veins. I didn't know what to think about Harry and me being partners; yes of course I was ecstatic that I could spend time with him, but it also made me a little uneasy. I couldn't help but shake the scowling look he gave me when class started, the picture was etched into my memory. Was he mad at me? There were no scenarios I could conjure up in my head that would explain why he could be mad at me. It was confusing and stressful and annoying that he would do that.

The professor kept blabbing on and on about the auto-biography project, more-so talking about how it would be graded and all the stuff no one cares about, he then gave us our writing assignments for the next day, and dismissed us.

This was the part I was worried about.

I tried to get out of the classroom quickly so I could avoid any confrontation, not that I imagined anyone would try to talk to me, but with the recent events that occurred, I had a feeling a certain someone would. I quickly got a glimpse of his face, which had no emotion on it whatsoever. None.

"Oh" the professor yelled as I was halfway to the door "Don't forget about your test on Tuesday. Now, be on your way"

I continued my journey out of the classroom, trying desperately not to be noticed by him. But, my presence was quickly noticed when I managed to trip. What was with me and tripping? I looked to see what the source of my falling was, and I found myself staring at a boot. I followed the boot up the body and was met face-to-face with the green eyes, curly hair, and a smirk.


"What the hell, Harry" I spat, standing up and picking up my fallen books.

"Oops" he said.

He then walked off, no apology, no help to pick up my books, nothing, the only thing he did was laugh as he walked off.

I ran after him and grabbed his arm, I needed answers.

"No, you do not get do that then just walk off. I- I-" I yelled, and stared at him, my adrenaline bar slowly dropping as I found myself staring into his eyes.

"I- uh- I"

"Go on" Harry urged, and smug look on his face.

"Why- uh- why did you trip me" I asked, gaining some of my confidence back.

"It was an accident" he shrugged

"No it wasn't, if it was an accident you would've helped me pick up my books, apologize, something"

"Fine, I did it on purpose" he admitted.

"Why?" I pleaded.

"I don't like you"

This must be what a heartbreak feels like.

"What" I squeaked, as if I had just been crushed beneath a thousand bricks.

"I said I don't like you"

"Why not?"

"Because you stole my journal, that journal was everything to me" he announced, his voice thick with emotion.

"I didn't steal your journal, Harry, it was given to me"

"Oh, so someone just came up to you and was like "oh here's this very personal journal of some guy you don't know why don't you take it"

Nailed it.

"Yes, that's actually exactly what happened, I was-"

"Give it up, I know you're lying" he interrupted, walking away again, but this time I didn't go after him.

Confirming my earlier predictions, he didn't like me, and I really hoped that would change, we needed each other for this project.


"So he just tripped you?" Leah said, as she sat on her bed and filed her nails.

"Yeah, just stuck his boot out and tripped me"

I had told her everything. The second I stepped into my dorm room and saw she was there, I spilled. I told her that Harry had finally showed up in class, and how we were partnered together, I told her about the tripping and finally I told her how he ruined my entire day by telling me he didn't like me.

"That's stupid" she said, now painting her nails, "how could anyone not like you?"

"You didn't" I reminded her.

"Touché, but still, how could he not like you? He just met you, he doesn't even know you?"

"He said that he didn't like me because I stole his journal from him" I said.

"But you didn't"

"Try telling him that"

"Man, that sucks. I thought the two of you were gonna meet and it be like love at first sight or something. And plus, you kind like love him don't you? If that were me, I would be like crying"

"Trust me, once you leave, I will be crying. And I don't know what I was thinking, I thought he would be all sweet, and understanding, and cute, just like he is in his writing, but he is a jerk. I thought I loved him, but I guess I only really loved who I thought he was"

"That was deep man" she chuckled, "Hey, how about this, how about me, you, and big d go out for ice cream to soothe your little heartbreak?"

"I would, but I have this stupid test I have to study for and I have tons of reading to catch up on" I replied as I laid down on my bed.

"Actually, I do too, I should get on that. Want some music?" she asked, walking over to her desk.

"Yeah sure"


The next day I anticipated my writing class. I don't know why I anticipated it, it's not like I wanted to be the victim of Harry once again, but I still got giddy at the thought of seeing him. My affection for him had lessened since the day before, but I still liked him, still thought about him. And the day dragged on until it was finally time for writing class.

When I got to class I found Harry sitting in the spot next to mine, doing the opposite of what I thought he would do, which was avoid me.

I walked to the chair and gave him a questioning look.

"Why are you sitting there? Beside me? I thought you didn't like me?" I asked, placing my books on the desk and waiting for his answer.

"You ask too many questions" he started.

I sat there and waited for more of an answer.

"But" he continued, "I like girls who ask a lot of questions"

(hey hi! so im like 60 votes away from 1k votes and it would be really appreciative if you could vote on this (and if you feel extra nice on every other chapter you havent voted on yet) anyway, LOVE YOU ALL AND IM HOPING YOU ARE ENJOYING THE FACT THAT HARRY IS IN THE STORY NOW ALOT MORE

remember to vote and comment )

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