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just to let you know the more you vote and comment the higher ranking my story will get and it lt means so much to me to get ranked like really though, and it literally takes 1 second to vote and maybe 25 seconds to comment, so PLEASE DO IT PLEASE IT WOULD MEAN SO MUCH

Three weeks passed and I didn't see Harry ever again, and trust me I looked. I would go to the cafe everyday and pretty much stare at the back kitchen, and to my disappointment I never saw him once again. I was even surprised to not see him in any of my classes, because if I remembered correctly he was studying English, just like me. But I never saw him. I made up this theory in my head that he moved away to avoid me, but I think I was just super paranoid.

I still hadn't told anyone about him, about the journal, nothing, but then one Friday night when me, Leah, and Drew were out in the city for supper, I nonchalantly blurted it out.

"So, whats been going on in your life Em" Drew bluntly asked looking down at my untouched hamburger. I just hadn't been feeling hungry lately, I really hadn't been feeling anything.

"Yeah" Leah continued, "You seem, um, sadder, quieter, you're not eating"

"Is it a boy?" Drew smiled, poking me slightly with a fork.


"Probably not big D, she hasn't talked to anyone besides us since she got here, its not like she could have a secret boyfriend behind our backs." Leah said, taking a huge handful of fries and placing them in my hand, motioning for me to eat them.

"First off, please stop calling me "big D" it makes me uncomfortable, and secondly the boy doesn't necessarily have to be a current boy, she could be moping around about a boy from before she knew us, ever think of that?"

"Yes" I quietly said, interrupting their debate.

"Yes what?" Drew asked, his eyes pleading for me to continue.

"Yes, its a boy"

"Knew it!!" Leah squealed.

Right at that moment I wanted so badly to just leave the restaurant, go back to campus and sleep. Even though I knew this conversation would have come up another time, I wanted so desperately to avoid and save myself the embarrassment.

After a minute of silence apart from Drew slurping up his root beer, I talked.

I took a deep breath, and I told them everything, starting from when I was walking to work and tripped, causing me to acquire the journal, I even showed them a little scar I had on my knee from scraping it.

"Six months later I still hadn't read the journal, it still sat on my shelf. I had completely forgotten about it. Eventually I remembered I had it, and I read it."

I went on to tell them how I would spend hours upon hours just reading his journal, how I found myself attached the the journal, how I could never put it down, like I was glued to it. I told them about Abby, and Charlotte. They just sat there and stared at me, absorbing every word like they were the sponge and my words were water. They didn't talk at all, they were completely silent as I went on to tell them about the Polaroid of Harry I found.

"Do you have it with you" Leah whispered, her eyes full of hope.

I quickly pulled my purse off from the floor, and frantically searched for my wallet. I grabbed my wallet out of my purse and pulled out the Polaroid carefully, trying not to rip the frayed edges.

"Here" I passed the picture to her, and watched as she examined the picture.

Drew leaned over to look at the picture to, and the two of them just stared at it for a good forty-five seconds.

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