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Ever since I tripped over my strap of my combat boots in the early spring of last year, causing me to acquire the journal, I considered them lucky boots. I was wearing them when I got the call that I had enough money for college, and I was wearing them when I got re-accepted to college, which was enough proof for me that they had at least a little bit of luck inside them.

So now here I am, standing in a mound of muddy snow with my lucky boots on, looking head on at my new home for the next 4 month. I'm here four whole days before my classes start for this semester, and I'm wondering what "luck" I will find myself in today. In my left hand, I hold a map of the campus that a very preppy college student insisted I have even though I had already memorized the campus last time I was here. In my right hand, I hold the keys to my new dorm room. In order to be able to come to school and be on time to class every day I had to sell my tiny apartment in upper Manhattan and switch to a dorm on campus, a 5-10 min walk to every thing I need.

I sigh, stepping out of the snow I was standing on. I begin my journey to my car to start to bring things up to my dorm. I grab as many boxes as possible, and try to balance them as I make my way up to my new room.

I hear a small chuckle behind me, and realize that I probably look really silly.

"Need help?"

I turn around, nearly dropping my boxes labeled "clothes and anything else that could fit in here", and come face to face with possibly one of the most handsome boys I have ever laid eyes on. Blue eyes, perfect hair, straight teeth, and an obvious toned body under his plain white tee.

"Hmm, do you think I need help?" I say jokingly.

"Honestly," the stranger says, "I think you do"

I raise my eyebrows to him to say, "you think". He laughs.

"I'm Emma, by the way," I say, attempting to shake his hand and balance two boxes on the other.

"Drew," he answers.


"Is that everything?" Drew asks, as he plops down the last of my things.

"I just have one last thing to grab, wait for me?" I ask.

Drew flashes me a smile, and I race out of my dorm room and back down to the car to retrieve the last of my things.

I rummage through the dashboard in search of my lifeline these past few months, Harry's journal. I retrieve it and run back up.

"Got it," I say, half talking, half trying to catch my breath from the near marathon I just ran.

"What is it?" He asks.

"A journal," I reply.


"Yep" I say, popping the p.

"Oh," he nods.

"But," I take a deep breath. "It wasn't always mine"


(WOah why did i make you guys wait 8 million years for this I literally am the sorriest (yeah yeah i know thats not a word hush) person in the universe, i totally forgot about this story like i legit forgot about it, and i only remembered it last week, and so i needed to re read the story to remind myself what it was about and to remind myself about all the plans i had for it lmao, so here you go, FINALLY an update please forgive me omg and for all you guys wondering when this chapter takes place its in january the next year. she finds the journal march 2013, doenst read it until september 2013, and she gets the call that she has enough money for college november 2013. remember how at the begining she had already gone to college for a short period of time? yeah well she goes for one semester, and now its january 2014 in the book and shes finishing that semester ok coool

anyway, sorry for the short chapter but an even longer authors note lol, anyway, this chapter is the LAST boring chapter, the next ones WILL BE BETTER and I promise to make you wait a little less then 5 months for the next update but i cant promise anything, JK, i will have an update tuesday how about that? I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS OMG.

so please vote and comment and share this please because i think this story deserves people to read it, lol so 15 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter ily all) [edited on 11.21.14 by @animalik]

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