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I decided the only luck I was going to get that day was meeting Drew, and so I thanked the boots as me and Drew tried to decipher what kind of girl my roommate would be.

Drew insisted on showing me around, even after I had told him countless times that I had already gone to school here and knew my way around this campus perfectly. This stranger made it his duty to make sure that I was perfectly settled and that I knew where the nearest Starbucks was if I ever needed to "binge my little white girl ass out". I neglected to tell him though that I actually hated Starbucks, and the white girl cliche that followed it around. And so, probably with those gorgeous blue eyes of his, Drew managed to actually convince me to follow him around all day while he pointed out all the places where I could find a drug dealer, and the best serene places to study. And although I couldn't care less about the "places to get the cheapest cocaine", I still managed to have a real smile on my face, because maybe I was finally making a friend. Maybe.

"Oh, NEVER eat here for breakfast. The eggs are always cold and the bread is always soggy," Drew said, pointing to one of the on-campus restaurants.

"I don't ever eat breakfast anyways, but good to know."

"Never? Like never never?" He asked, shocked.

"Well I mean, if someone made me breakfast that I didn't have to pay for, yeah I'd eat it, but I never willingly cook myself or buy myself breakfast," I say.

"You never eat breakfast?" He asks again.

"Aren't we past that yet?" I laugh.

"LIKE NEVER?" He pauses, a grin forming on his face. "You know what, I am going to make you breakfast tomorrow morning, just so I can see you eat it."


Drew and I decided we were tired of walking around, so we sat down in a courtyard on campus. I learned that Drew is from California, and that he is in his second year of college. He's studying the Arts. I told him a little about myself too; how I moved here from Maine. How I had lived here for two years already. I neglected to tell him about my pas; it was too much of a secret.

"I think I should go to my dorm and start unpacking. I really don't want to meet my new roommate in the morning with a messy room. I have to give a good first impression," I say, standing up.

"I can help," Drew says, looking up at me.

"I think I am fine, thanks for everything today. My worst fear of not making any friends is no longer there."

"Anytime, and remember! I am making you breakfast tomorrow, so you better be prepared for the best breakfast ever," Drew states.

"Alright, If you say so," I laugh as I walk down the sidewalk to go back to my dorm room.

And as unbelievable as it sounds, I got lost.


It didn't take me long to remember where I was, and how to get back, and once I got back, I plopped down on my unmade bed, in my unpacked dorm room and slept.

I didn't sleep because I was tired, and I didn't sleep because I anticipated the next day, but I slept because I wanted to dream. Dreaming pulled me out of my reality and pushed me into my fantasy, and Harry was filling every corner of my mind that night.

I know it sounds cliche and silly and maybe a little stupid, but its true, and I couldn't wait to find him, hoping that he still was here.


I awoke the next morning with a pile of boxes to my right and a concrete wall to my left. I panicked. My watch read 9:30am and my dorm room read "BAD IMPRESSION TO THE NEW ROOMMATE" all over it. I scrambled to my feet, and at the same time flung open all my boxes to begin unpacking.

I started with clothes, I figured once I got rid of my clothes, and hung them up, it would be less overwhelming to unpack the rest. I had just finished making my bed, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hi, hi!!" I heard a high pitched voice, a girl opened the door with a prada purse and six inch heels on. Three men were behind her with there arms stuffed with her things.

"You can place that here, and grab the rest of my stuff from the moving van."

Moving Van. Rest of her stuff. Prada purse. Six inch heels.

And I was the one who was so worried about making a good first impression.

This couldn't be good.


10 votes and 7 comments for next chapter. :D

& I know this one isn't very long but if I do shorter chapters that means I can do quicker updates, which would you rather longer chapters shorter updates or the other one?

[edited 11.21.14 by @animalik]

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