Street Light Secret

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We saw the street lights turn on, I looked at him and we ran to my house.

"Your moms going to be worried sick!"

He grunted.

"I'm more worried of yours. Bored at my house...."

We got to the end of my driveway and laughed, letting go of our tangled hands.

"Can we keep this a secret...just for now..."

I asked. He nodded, smiling.

We walked into the house, my mom jumped up off of the couch, I could hear as her foot dragged across the leather couch, getting up.

"You had us worried sick!"

My mom came down holding her hand above her heart.

"I called it.."

Cameron whispered to me. I smiled at him.


Gina asks.

"I don't know, Ari, to school at 8?"

"Yeah, thanks. See you in the morning!"

I smiled and closed the door behind them walking out.

I began walking to my room.


My mom yelled, I shoved my phone into my slim pockets and came down.

"What mom?"

My dad sat with his arms crossed,

"Where were you?"


I replied with a smart ass look on my face.

"We have rules so we know what happens, you don't take off with boys. Got it?"

"Mom it's ju-"

"Next time go where you say..or this won't happen again!"

I rolled my eyes agreeing and walked up the stairs, scrolling and double tapping on my Instagram feed.

"Goodnight Katy!" I smiled at my sister walking to my room.

I laid in my bed. Why did I not ask for Cams number I thought to myself, replaying today's memorable moments, drifting off.


I woke up to my alarm pea tacky yelling at me, it was loud and I am not a morning person durning the week.

I walked downstairs to grab a granola bar, I ate it while going through my phone. I grabbed another towel with my name printed on it and had a shower.

I walked over to my vanity and once again thought I was plain looking, I put on a bit of eyeliner, it seemed just normal now, and I always want to impress Cameron so I added a little mascara on, realizing I really do like him...enough to go out of my way to impress him. I grabbed a new bottle of perfume and sprayed it, running through the it was sprinkled on and not concentrated in one spot..thats what my mom taught me anyways.

I heard a laugh outside that was familiar, a laugh I smile to. I ran to the closet putting together some new cloths, and making my outfit, changing as quick as I could.

I walked down my stairs and met Cameron half way down the hall, on his way to my room.


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