Back to Life

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It was time to leave, we were at the beach still when our parents approached us.

"Our flights booked for 4:30, let's go in and pack."

I got up and sighed, I didn't want to go home yet. We walked back to the hotel, since mine and Cams rooms were across from each other, we left the doors open to talk. I grabbed my brush and curler from the bathroom..thats one thing I wouldn't miss, the small bathroom. I packed them in my bags, stacking my neatly folded clothes on top, I almost forgot my phone charger and shoved it in as well. It didn't take me long but by the time I was ready, the Dallas's were waiting on my mom and I, then just my mom.

We got out, dragging our suit cases down the hall, I plugged in one of my headphones, and played my favourite songs..hoping to cheer me up.

We got to the cabs which were waiting for us in the parking lot, out family's divided, explaining our time left to go.

We go to the airport, I jumped out of the cab and turned around, Cams cab pulled up behind ours as our was leaving. They all got out, with their bags and we walked into the familiar building. I've never really liked airports, they smell like a dirty hospital to me. Cam on the other hand loved seeing all these people, and somehow...many of them knew who he was. I remember what my friends had told me about him...being vine popular, but I never even bothered to download the app on my iPhone.

We were heading back to L.A, I was exited to go home...i didn't mean to sound spoiled but I like to use my expensive hygiene products, the cheap ones made me feel even more filthy.

As we were boarding the plane, my phone connected to the wifi, I got a text from the GC, Kristina was talking about how her shoes were a shade darker than her top, and how she was crying because she didn't want to go with two separate shades, not even far enough to notice. The other girls comfort her.

JJ "it's okay, buy a new top"

Tay "or new shoes"

Me "who cares it's one shade off!"

Apparently telling her different wasn't the best way to go.

We were seated, I was happy to be on the isle side, I like to look around and not see the height of which I'm scarred to fall. The down part is I'm not with Cam, and I'm not ready to tell anyone why I would like to sit by him yet.

Cameron got seated in the left isle, but he was close to me, just one row ahead.

"Hey guys I thought you would like to meet someone, Ari say something funny!"

Cameron said, I looked up, he was recording me on his phone.

"Someone on this plane has diarrhea!"

I shouted out, in a joking manor.

The old man beside me looked up, his eyes went large, and had a sluggish-guilty look on his face.

Cameron tilted his head back laughing, the video was done recording.

We came to the realization how funny that would be, a specially when the man stood up,and walked to the washroom covering himself as if he had a hole in his pants.


Cameron's pov**

The plane finally landed, the vine I shot on the plane was amazing, that man didn't come out until the plane landed. I wanted to help make Ariana come famous, she never really knew, but I want to show her off to everyone.

We got in different cabs, saying goodbye to each other, it was time to go home. I grabbed Ari's suit case and helped put it in the back.

"Thanks Cam.."

InterceptedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora